𝟏𝟏 » 𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 «

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Berlin is beautiful, we came here this morning. The band has a lot of rehearsels for tomorrow when they will release MAMMAMIA. They didn't even allowed me, Veronica and Giorgia to hear the song. Damiano his girlfriend Giorgia also came with us, they have been dating for a month I guess. She is such an amazing person. Together with Veronice we visit every place in Berlin.

We are in a huge super chic tea house, and it's beautiful. "This is like the best tea I've ever had", Veronica takes the last sip of her caramelized pear tea, which smells amazing. I have apple pie tea, and it's delicious. "Gio, you've never actually told us how you and Dam met", I draw my attention to Damiano his girlfriend. She blushes, "we know each other for more than 5 years, but they wasn't a spark til a month ago". Veronica and I smile at the blushing girl.

"And you and Thomas?", she chuckles. I've never actually told Giorgia that Thomas and I broke up for a few months. "Well it's a weird story, Thomas and I date since 2019, but we broke up a half year ago. And now we are back together". Giorgia gives me a face, and I can see in her eyes she is shocked. She moved into the maneskin house with Damiano, and I did not. I still have my own place. And yet I'm more in that house then she is.

"You broke up!? But how? You guys are like Bella and Edward", I raise my eyebrow and Giorgia laughs. "Okay maybe that wasn't a good example". "You just compared my boyfriend to a vampire", we chuckle and I take the last sip of my tea. "He had mental health problems, so he needed time for himself, but he didn't told me, he just broke up with me", Giorgia looks at me, wide-eyed.

"But I told him, the next time he is having mental health problems, he needs to tell me so I can help him", Giorgia is a little shocked and Veronica is laughing about Giorgia her reaction. My phone rings. "It's Thommy", I get up and walk towards the door, searching for cigarettes in my bag. "Hey baby", I light myself a cigarette and hear music coming through the phone.

He sounds exhausted, "hey baby, we are done here. Shall we pick you guys up and go back to the hotel?". "Yea sure". I tell him where we are and finish my cigarette, before I walk back inside. "They are picking us up in three minutes", I don't even sit down anymore. The friendly women sees we finished and gives us the bill. "I pay", Veronica pushes her creditcard on the little machine.

A black bus with white weels stops in front of the little tea house. My boyfriend jumps out and kisses my cheek, while opening the door for us. "Thanks gentleman", I kiss Thomas back. A few people make pictures of us, and I already know. Tomorrow in every news paper, 'Thomas Raggi and Elena Colombo back together?!'.

Back in our hotel room, I let myself fall on the huge bed in the middle of the room. Thomas jumps next to me. I play with his hair, "how was your day Cobra?". His hand run over my hips, "good, MAMMAMIA is gonna be a hit". Even I, his girlfriend did not hear the song yet, they keep everything a secret. "Elena?", he pulls my hips against his stomach and I kiss his cheekbone, softly.

"Y-your dad texted me, he wants to talk to you, you blocked him right?", my happiness disappears the moment Thomas mentioned my dad. I totally forgot about last time we were there, but all the painfull memories come back in one second. "I don't want to talk to him.", I stare at the ground, Thomas kisses my cheeks now.

"That is okay sweetie, if you don't want to, you don't have to". I blocked my dad right after the last time I saw him. I wasn't planning on forgetting about my dad forever, but I need some time without him. "Thommy, I don't want to talk to him for a while. He makes me so unhappy". Thomas removed the tears that are gathering in my eyes, to avoid me starting to cry.

"I know baby, I'll text him", Thomas leaves me on the bed and I feel cold already. His phone is on the dark brown desk, and our balcony watches over Berlin. "Should I just say that you don't want to talk to him for a while", he looks at me and I bite on my lip. "And that when I'm ready I'll talk to him". My boyfriend nods and starts typing.

*messages between Manuel and Thomas*

T: hello Manuel, I send this messages because Elena asked me to. She doesn't want to speak to you for a while. And when she is ready to talk she will say. We both hope for your understanding.

M: Why? I'm her father and I want to speak to her, give her your phone.

T: please respect Elena her choice, she doesn't want to. And you, as her father should respect that.

M: You are not gonna tell me what I should do. I want to speak to my daughter.

T: I'm afraid I can't, I love your daughter and I do respect her choices. Hopefully you wait in patient til she is ready to talk to you again.


This man makes me so insane angry. He ruined my girlfriends life, and now he does not respect her choice. I could never be able to live with a father like hers. I wrap my arms around my girlfriend, who is still looking straight to the ground. "He won't bother you anymore baby, I told him the truth". She smiles, very insecure and very shortly. "Don't be sad my love", I let her lie on my chest and I caress her forehead.

"Thanks Thommy, but I'm scared, scared that my dad won't let me go", she looks at me, and believe me. I could see the fear in her eyes. She didn't only hated her dad, she was afraid of him. Which made me even more and more angry. "He won't, and I'll protect you if he will". Her messy her hair smells like flowers and soap.

"Go get some sleep, it was a long day", I help her out of her clothes, dressing into her pajamas. While she stares at me or at the ground. I hate seeing her like this. Without saying a single word to each other we lay down in the king size bed with creme colour sheets and brown pillows. My girl closes her eyes and I stare at her, before we fall asleep in each others arms.  


I have nothing to say, how are youuuuu? 

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now