𝟐𝟏 » 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 «

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On the way back home, we don't talk. There just is an comfortable silence. I play with the rings around his fingers, like I always do. He chuckles, while looking at my face, which is focussing on his fingers. "Your dad changed, I think all your pep talks worked". Thomas is driving, for the first time in a long time, since I used to be scared of sitting in a car while Thomas was driving. "Yea maybe it did", I smile, and my cheeks are red. "Thomas eyes on the road I don't wanna die!", I yell at him when I see he is looking towards me the whole time.

The car parked, but we don't get out of the car, someone has to move or we will lose ourselves. The tension is high and we both look at the Maneskin band house. Giorgia and Ethan their cars are gone, so they might not be home. I don't dare to look at Thomas, because we both know that we needed each other right now. His fingers grab my cheeks, and he turns my head towards him, looking deep and wanting in my eyes. "We shouldn't", his voice is low, and I can hear the frustration in it. "I know, not now and not here".

Be looked in each other eyes, and it felt like forever, when I finally made a move. And it wasn't a good move, because right now I won't be able to stop. His warm lips press themselves on mine and I squeeze in his arm, hearing something outside, but I ignore it. Thomas his hand wrap themselves around me, and his warm sweaty lips never leave mine. The squeezes I give in his arm become rougher, and I see the skin is becoming red. Someone walks towards the car over the gravel path, I ignore it, to completely enjoy this moment.

I give my whole body over to my boyfriend, when someone knocks on the window from the car. In one snap I come back to earth, turning my head around, annoyed. It's Damiano, "should I leave again, or are you guys finally coming inside". It's raining, and Damiano his hair is wet. The raindrops roll down his face. Thomas stops holding me and sighs, annnoyed, just like I do.

"Did you really have to ruin that moment", we stand in the hall and I kick Damiano against his knee, blaming him for ruining that beautiful moment. Damiano his clothes and hair is wet from the rain and he gives me a middle finger. "You were about to fuck, in a car", he yells, running upstairs. As soon as he is gone, Thomas pushes me against the wall, looking strict in my eyes. "We can still finish this", I close my eyes, so I don't lose myself in his eyes. "Tonight, not here". I give a soft slap against his cheek, before living towards the living room.

I hear Damiano coming downstairs, talking to Thomas. "You were about to fuck her in the hall!? Never thought about us?". Thomas chuckles, tackling his best friend. "If I want to fuck her, I fuck her, I don't care about you". I giggle, letting myself fall on the fluffy couch. "We are having a game night, we are playing hints, and this time I win", Damiano jumps on the couch, next to me. "But Giorgia and Ethan are not home, and Veronica and Vic are upstairs, doing I have no idea".

Fourty minutes later we are all around the table, with wine, chips, and lots and lots of chocolate. Thomas actually always claims me for game night, because he knows I always win, but I refused him this time. I am a hundred per cent sure Team Elena and Giorgia are about to win. Unfortunately Veronica had to leave, she was meeting some friends. So now we have a team Ethan and Victoria and team Thomas and Damiano. "We start", as first one I grab a card from the pile.

With my hand I try to gesture the tv-show stranger tings, but it's hard, because I've never watched it. Giorgia is guessing a lot, but not the right on. "Riverdale! Uhm prison break, twilight!". I hear Damiano giggling in the background, and whispering to Thomas, "we are gonna win this". But at the same moment I hear Giorgia scream, "stranger things!". "Yes!!". I wink at Damiano, who seems disappointed. Giorgia places a kiss on his lips, "Don't be sad, if I win, you get winner sex tonight". His face light up and Victoria her faces turns into a disgusted one.

We won, as always. That is the reason Thomas always claims me. He says he does because he wants to be with me, but the truth is he just wants to win. It's today exactly seven months ago that Thomas and I got back together, and I couldn't be happier. The little dog Chile jumps on the couch, and Thomas wraps his arms around me. For hours we talk and make shitty jokes. I can't fucking believe I am able to spend this time in my life with these amazing people, who are next to my best friend, also my family.

I would never want to miss these magical moments with the band, or with Thomas. He is the best thing in the world and I think all the girls in the world deserve a boy like him. It's just you and me, darling.  


OMG it's done, but it's not hihi 

I'm going to publish an Ethan Torchio (short) story very very very soon (just like it says in my bio) and soon there will come a few (three or four I think) bonus chapters on this story, because I just can't say goodbye to Elena and Thomas! More news about what and when soon

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now