𝟒 » 𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 «

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"Thanks for letting me explain everything", Thomas gets up and walks towards the door. "Thanks for explaining everything". I bit on my lips, looking at his back. I opened for him the door. He wants to hug me. It shocks me. I awkwardly hug him back. My heart was racing and so was the tension between us. I really want to kiss him, and feel him again.

He steps out of the door, we say nothing. He smiles awkwardly and we look in each others eyes. I want to close the door, gentle. Before the door closes Thomas puts his feet between it and opens the door. "I'm sorry, Elena". He takes two steps and stand against me, his warm body against mine. I press my lips on his, and close my eyes.

I missed that so much. I missed him so much. All the past months I pushed away the feeling I still had for him. And from this moment I know he wants me back, as much as I want him back. His lips still pressed on mine, his hand on my cheeks, and mine on his. We broke off and he smiled, this time not awkward, but insanely happy. I smiled back.

"I missed you, Elena". "Show me, tonight, on a date", I press his warm lips on mine on more time and he walks away. "I'll pick you up at eight". "Can't wait".

I have know idea what happened like two minutes ago, but I'm so happy it happened. It reminded me of how much I missed that stupid guy. He is picking me up at eight, I have to look hot. My hands search for my phone. I need to send a message to Vic and Nica.

*chat messaged between Victoria, Elena and Veronica*

E: girls!

E: guess what happened

V: you were attacked by aliens

Ve: You did not smoke any cigarette today

E: no, I smoked more than usual HAHAH

E: but that's not it

V: wait a minute

Ve: WHAT!?

V: Thomas left but did not say to where, and he just got home. Have you any idea where I'm talking about Elena.

E: maybe



E: he came to talk, and we like sort of yea kissed


Ve: are you getting back together??

E: he is picking me up for a date at eight, I don't know.

V: how romantic, I need to go, have fun tonight.



I feel my hand shaking and my heart beating, so load. He misses me. And I totally forgot how angry I was when he broke up with me. All the feelings I have, are excitement and happiness. He is taking me on a date, it makes me smile. Wait, he is taking me on a date? At the moment I'm wearing a sport pants and an oversized sweater. My watch says it's 16:54. I sigh in relieve, I have a few hours to fix my look.

I'm a no make-up girl. I hate it, and Thomas knows it. He prefers me without, he says I'm way prettier. Even not to parties I put that stuff on my face, it's bad for my skin. Okay, that does not make any sence. I smoke, at least five cigarettes a day. I think that is even worse for my skin.

For more than an hour I search through my wardrobe, searching for the perfect clothes. I can't say I don't have much clothes. The almost fall out of the wardrobe, but I just can't find the perfect thing. My whole room is messy, clothes are everywhere.

A few minutes after I almost gave up. I found a light brown suit. Normally I only wear dresses, but this is Victoria her suit. And actually, it fits me really good. Under it I wear a new dark red bralette with lace. I look hot, and that's what I wanted to look.

My hair is a mess, I never know what to do with it. Desperate I look in the mirror. The dark blond hair just doesn't want to listen. Finally it worked, sort of. My hair is in a ponytail, a little bit messy, but that just looks pretty cool.


This day was and is gonna be amazing. All those months I was too scared to make my move to Elena. The truth is, I never wanted to leave her. But I believed my therapist. Tina, my therapist was wrong. I couldn't live in a world without Elena. I bought her flowers, her favorite ones. The yellow sunflowers lay next to me on the couch and I think about where I'm gonna take her.

There was this place, I went to with my mom on her birthday. It was a chic place and Elena would love it. But it's an hour away, and I'm a little scared of driving.

*chat messages between Thomas and Elena*

T: heeyy

T: I had a lil question

T: I'm still a terrible driver.

T: but I want to take you somewhere an hour away.


T: Thanks.

E: Can't wait


Well that is fixed, now I have to search for a good outfit. Normally I just wear a pants with a shirt when I'm home or a restaurant. But for her I'll wear something special. For her I'll do anything. I missed her too much.

For me it's easy to pick something special out of my wardrobe. I love almost every item in it, and actually everything is special. I put on some eyeliner in front of my mirror. I'm wearing a dark blue blouse from lace, and a flaired pants from leather.  


bad part :( I'm sorry but the date part will be up tomorrow

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