Chapter 3

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Princess Ryujin

I still can't believe of what happened earlier, I was accidentally bind, gagged and stayed at the back of the truck like I was kidnapped but it was far from that.

I am not sure how many hours I stayed being bind in the back of the truck with an apple in my mouth. The thing is I'm sure is we already drove far away from the palace.

During the ride I uncomfortably fell asleep due to tiredness, I remember feeling my jaw and mouth starting to ache because of how long it was open and though it's disgusting I don't have any choice but to let my drool out of my mouth or I'll choke on my saliva.

Imagine hearing a news 'The unknown Princess of Korea died getting choked by her own saliva' it's an ewy news but they will still report it, like what the heck? That is really scary and disgusting to imagine at the same time.

I can even smell my dried saliva and it's not that smelly or I am already use to the smell with all the walking I'm doing, I totally got use to my own smell.

As I keep on walking, I see people looking at me it's probably because I look beautiful and professional with the suit I am wearing.

However, I notice that whenever they try to get close to me to maybe ask for my name, they quickly back away secretly covering their noses, I don't think I smell that much and if I really do then that is so embarrassing.

I remember when I woke up, I noticed the truck being parked in front of a store so I did my best to free myself from the bind before they notice me in there.

Because of struggling so much I didn't notice that someone was standing outside of the truck watching me, I only noticed her when I smelled a sweet and addicting smell emitting from her.

When my eyes met hers, god I was stunned by her beauty, she was like the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life and she made me feel unknown things deep inside me.

She was staring at me and to be honest I was kinda embarrassed at my situation at that time. I look nothing from my normal look, gosh and when she took the apple from my mouth I felt my saliva dripping out of my mouth even though I didn't see her face I know she was disgusted seeing me in that state.

When I finally freed myself from the bind and then held her shoulders I literally felt electric coursing through our body, I don't know how did that happened but I felt it and when our eyes met It's like I was being drowned by that cat like eyes, one of the beautiful pair of feline eyes I saw.

She doesn't just have a beautiful pair of feline eyes but she also have a beautiful face and her body, she is definitely sexy. She was shocked seeing me in that situation I know it, she even stared at me without looking away.

I really want to spend a bit time with her, but I heard a voice calling her from afar and I think it's someone she knew so I don't have a choice but to just say thank you and ran, it is still dangerous especially I am not sure where I am right now.

I am not familiar with this place and base from the surroundings I can say that I am in a city. The problem is which city? I have never been in one.

Right now, I am inside a mall, most of the people are stealing glances at me and I don't know what's their problem is. Have they never seen such beautiful woman like me in a mall before? Well I just ignored them and continue looking everywhere.

There are many kinds of fancy stores and restaurants in here and most of the people shopping here are rich. It's either they are spoiled rich people or they worked their ass off for what they have now.

This mall is huge like really huge that if you are not familiar with this place you will literally get lost just like what is happening to me now, I know despite the training I did before there are times that I am bad with directions.

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