Chapter 8

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I woke up with a headache that was cause by my hangover, I scrunch my face because of the sun peeking by the window, it irritates my eyes. Slowly opening my eyes looking around realizing I'm in my room, I see the window open I guess that pervert Princess is the one who brought me home and the one who opened the window, the view of the city is magnificent with the sun shining so bright.

I massage my temple to lessen the pain on my head as I slowly get off the bed. I am about to go to the bathroom when I see something on the side table, I fully get up from my bed trying to look at it closely, I see a tray of food with a glass of water and medicine beside it, I also see a sticky note in the glass of water, I take it and stars reading it.

Hey boss, I know you'll have a hangover when you wake up so here's the food, water and medicine for you.
Boss before you take a bath eat the food, drink the medicine to lessen your hangover and drink some water, then you can take a bath to cool your head.

P.S. I'm sorry I had to change your clothes without your permission it's because you vomited on yourself, don't worry I closed my eyes and stopped myself to be tempted even if you're moaning hehehe peace.

-Your Pervert Princess

When I finished reading the note, I look at myself and that's when I notice I'm on my pajamas, I look inside my pajamas and sees my underwear are also new. My mouth opens wide in shock, that fucking pervert. Ahhhhh she's really the biggest pervert I've ever encountered, where is that fucking pervert I'm so gonna kill her.

I storm out my room then proceeds downstairs without bothering what I look like, I look around the house but there's no Ryujin around, I see one of my maids cleaning the kitchen, I walk into her direction and that's when she notices me. "Good morning ma'am" the maid says giving me a bow.

I nod at her "Have you seen the pervert? " I ask fuming, I notice her gulping because of being scared "M-maam? " she stutters with her questioning look.

I look at her rolling my eyes of course she doesn't know that Ryujin is the pervert I've been talking about "Ryujin, have you seen her?" I ask impatiently, the maid gulps before talking, "S-she's in the garden ma'am h-helping the gardener" I nod at her and storms out of the house to the garden.

I was about to shout Ryujin's name when I saw her, however, I am quick enough to stop myself from shouting when I saw her helping the gardener planting some plants.

She's wearing a black sports bra, black sweatpants and slippers on her foot her hair in a messy bun.

I stare at her stun as her broad shoulder stretches while shoveling some dirt, it's like everything is in slow-motion as I see her panting, her sweat trickling down to her sexy neck and damn her glistening abs is waving at me, I take a gulp seeing the view of her biting her lower lip.

I didn't notice I've been staring at her for too long, I only get back to my senses when she's already in front of me and oh dear she's glistening in sweat.

"Good morning boss, why are you here? Did you already eat? Did you drink your medicine? You didn't take a bath? Boss?" She bombard me with questions, I am only staring at her abs and slowly look up to her neck, up to her lips and finally to her eyes with a confuse look.

"I'm really sorry if I have to change your clothes last n-" when I realize what she said I immediately cut her off by smacking her head "Yah you pervert" I say and continue smacking her everywhere, "Boss yah stop" she said avoiding my assault.

"You're really a pervert changing my clothes without my permission"

"Ouch boss, do I have to wake you up to ask permission? " she asks that makes me stop from assaulting her for a while as I look at her ridiculously.

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