Chapter 9

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I'm here in front of my closet. It's Friday morning and I'm looking for a dress to use later for the party. The party is for businessmen and businesswomen gathering to discuss anything related to business, they can talk to some businessmen/women maybe gather some business partners, being the CEO of the biggest company in Asia I need to attend to represent my company and I don't know the other reason.

I hate gatherings because I know there are many plastic people who act friendly towards me just because I'm the CEO of the biggest company in Asia and they want to use me for their business or even popularity and I hate that.

I received an invitation yesterday when I'm sleeping in my comfy bed when that pervert Princess suddenly barge into the room waking me up because of that I kicked her ass and now she's probably in the garden limping still helping the gardener I didn't even kicked her that hard she just have a flat ass.

Though I don't want to go to the party my annoying sister keeps on insisting me to go.

Moreover, she's going to attend too, I told her I don't want to but Ryeong is already her partner so I will only end up being a third wheel but that sloth threatens me that if I don't attend then she will tell that pervert Princess that I'm in love with her so it left me with no choice but to go.

"Aish, I don't know what to wear later that sloth really, if she didn't threaten me I will definitely not go" I mumbles to myself.

"Boss you okay there? " a sudden voice talks behind me, I turn around and see Ryujin standing close behind me "R-Ryujin" my voice stutters she's too close that I can clearly smell her.

"Hmmm" she hums and even her hum sounds sexy, gosh I'm so whip. "W-what are you doing here?" I feel my heart starts to beat fast as always, whenever I see her especially if I'm close to her.

"I was told I'll be your date later in the party so I'm here to tell you that" she smiles at me, ahhhhh she's so beautiful I want to kiss her.

Yeji stop yourself, "Wait you'll be my date? Did that sloth say that? " I say raising one brow while trying to calm my heart, gosh does she ever know what she's doing to my heart? "Sloth?" She asks confuse.

Right she doesn't know who sloth is "Jisu since she looks like a sloth" I say shrugging my shoulders, she hums smiling again. 'Ryujin stop smiling or I'm gonna kiss you right now' I thought. I close my eyes and shake my head when I open it I see Ryujin staring at me in confusion.

"Yeji are you really okay? Your face is red" she asks in concern then she puts her hand on my forehead feeling it. "You don't have a fever but your face is hot"

"I'm.. Okay.. Just thinking for a dress to wear later"

"Are you sure? " she asks again concern still visible in her face, this gestures just makes me fall hard, I nod pushing her a little to give us some distance, "Since I don't know what to wear and you'll be my date let's go to the mall, I'll buy something to wear later" I say walking to the bathroom leaving her behind.

We arrived at the mall and its been an hour already still looking for something to wear for the party later and this girl keeps on disturbing me, "Boss can we eat breakfast already, I'm hungry" she says whining, "Don't disturb me I'm still looking for something to wear later" I say looking for dresses.

"Yeji you didn't even let me eat breakfast, have some mercy I know you didn't eat breakfast too so please can we eat now" she pleads that makes me look at her and ahhh she's so cute, her puppy eyes and pouty lips I want to squish her cheeks she looks like a baby and since she's cute "Fine" I roll my eyes, hearing my answer makes her smile widely.

the princess and the bitch CEO (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now