Chapter 7

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The two arrived at one of the famous arcade field in Seoul. They walked to the entrance then head over the place reserved for them.

With Yeji walking first while Ryujin walking behind her, people are stealing glances at the two looking like they just came out from a fashion magazine with Yeji's sexy look and Ryujin with a bored expression oozing with charisma.

Some people can't stop themselves to take pictures despite knowing who Yeji is.
When they saw the girl behind Yeji they noticed that she is the same girl in the grocery who's with Yeji.

People started murmuring as they took pictures, there are group of people starting to get giddy while some are star struck because of how cool Ryujin looks and how she's more beautiful in person.

They didn't have any idea that #MS.CEO'sLOVER is trending again.

As the two reached the reserve area for them Yeji's best friends are already there waiting for her. They rented a private playing room for their group but people can also watch them if they want through the glass wall separating from outside.

"Yeji" two girls squealed together, one with a bunny teeth and one with a feline eyes that also looks like a bunny, when the two saw Yeji walking towards them.

Yeji ran to their direction and gave a hug each to the two girls "I missed you girls" Yeji said showing her gummy smile this is the first time Ryujin saw Yeji's gummy smile and it just made her heart crazy, the cold Yeji she saw earlier is now replaced by a cute Yeji, Ryujin let out a smile as she looked at Yeji.

"Hi Yeji" two other girls that are with Yeji's best friends greeted in unison.

Yeji broke the hug then look at the other two.

"Hi Seul, Hi Jeong" Yeji said hugging the other two.

"By the way, where's your sister?" Irene asked, "She's busy" Yeji replied simply.

Yeji broke the hug then looked at Ryujin gesturing for her to come closer which the latter obliged, "Ryujin these are my best friends Irene and Nayeon" Yeji said pointing first at the bunny looking girl which is Irene and to the girl with bunny teeth which is Nayeon.

"These two are their girlfriends, she's Seulgi, Irene's girlfriend and she's Jeongyeon, Nayeon's girlfriend" Yeji said pointing at the girl almost the same height as Ryujin's and to the other girl the same height as Ryujin's too.

"Girls meet Ryuji-" Yeji was cut off by Nayeon, "We already know Yeji, she's your girlfriend" shocked registered on Yeji's face, "What?N-"Yeji was cut off again this time by Irene, "No need to deny, we already knew it when both of you became trending" Irene said smiling at the two.

"Guys y-" Ryujin tried to talk but was cut off by Seulgi who walks beside her draping her arms around the stunned Ryujin, somehow Yeji's friends likes cutting them off.

"Now, come on let's have a seat guys and then let's play archery later, don't worry about the snacks it's already here" Jeongyeon said getting the girls attention pointing at the snacks and beers that are already displayed in the table.

Ryujin and Yeji have no choice but to let the other girls believe what they want to believe since they won't even listen to them.

Irene, Nayeon and Yeji are sitting together eating some chips and drinking beers while Seulgi, Jeongyeon and Ryujin are talking about anything with beers in front.

"Why don't you take off your sunglasses Ryujin? so we can see your face clearly not just in the pictures" Nayeon suddenly suggested.

Ryujin contemplated on what to do, they are Yeji's friends she doesn't want to be rude but her black eye will be visible, Yeji saw the latter's struggle, she chuckles at herself, "Sorry guys she can't take it off, Ryujin's having an eyesore now" Yeji said acting with sympathy, Ryujin looked at her ridiculously but Yeji ignored it. The girls smiled at her in sympathy, the latter just nod at them.

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