Chapter 14

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After our lunch date I'm considering it a date since it's with Ryujin, so after our lunch date. Ryujin sends me back to the company then bid her goodbye but before she truly gets out of the office, she kissed me suddenly on the lips surprising me in the process.

It's almost 2 in the afternoon already and I'm now heading to the conference room to meet the new investors of the company, they are one of the biggest companies here in Seoul.

As I reach the door, I open it gaining everyone's attention inside. They immediately stand up from their seats as they greet me with a small bow which I reciprocate in the same process.

"Please take a seat" I say in a business kind of tone which they follow.

"Good afternoon Miss Hwang" a guy greets me, offering his hand for a handshake, he must be the new investor and guess what? He's the guy who accidentally bump onto Yeonjun.

"Good afternoon Mr. Choi Beomgyu" I greet back and accept his hand, shaking it before letting go.

"Just Beomgyu please" he says showing his charming smile. I nod before gesturing for everyone, "So shall we start" then the meeting begins.



Ryeong and I are now here in the backyard of Jisu's house just beside Yeji's it's just the two of us here except the maids inside of course since Jisu is at work maybe this is the time to ask my cousin why she's sad about the idea of being just friends with Jisu and then I can ask her later how to ask Yeji to be mine, sounds like a plan.

"You like her don't you?!" I ask more of a statement, Ryeong sigh, twirling her glass of drink if you think that we're drinking some beer or wine, nope you're wrong we're just drinking juice since it's afternoon and I still need to fetch Yeji later in the company so no need to get drunk.

"I-I don't know, my head is all messed up" she utters while shaking her head.

I look at her as I take a sip of my juice,"Can you tell me why?"

"You know I've been straight all my life.. But ever since I met Jisu in that cafe it all turned upside down, she's beautiful, approachable, funny, and many more she's perfect and god I'm willing to be her bottom" she blabbers.

Her face lightening up and a smile on her as she tells me every personality Jisu have and by looking at my cousin I think she's in love, she is definitely.

"I tried to ignore my feelings for her but every time I see a girl trying to flirt with her I feel angry all of a sudden, I don't know why, I guess it's jealousy or what and if I will continue this feelings for her I don't know if she feels the same, I'm afraid that she might reject me" she adds, leaning her head on the table in front of us.

"Hmm why don't you try to confess to her maybe she feels the same way too" I suggest while patting her shoulder.

"I don't think so"

"You know what Ryeong this is the first time I'm seeing you so down because of a girl but this is also the first time I'm seeing you genuinely happy.. With a girl so why don't you try this happiness that you're feeling right now maybe Jisu is the one for you"

"And trust me Jisu won't reject you" I reassure her.

"She won't? " Ryeong asks like a kid yep this is her personality a soft one. I hum while nodding my head.

"Okay I'll try" she says, drinking her juice like it's a beer.

"Monkey I know you have another purpose why you're here" she utters after a moment of silence, I scratch my nape and smile at her nervously.

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