Chapter 23

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We stayed in the palace for two weeks and I say we enjoyed it spending more time with my family and also them getting to know my wife more along with Jisu so as the sisters getting to know my family more.

My parents talked to me about where will I stay and since I already got a plan I told them I want to live in Seoul to build a business and to stay with Yeji but I will still be the Queen of Korea when I will be crowned as the Queen for now I'm still a Princess.

I know they are sad of my decision but I told them I can do the job as a Queen even if I'm far from Busan I can order my right hand who's staying in the palace if it's related to that work and I assured them that we will visit them from time to time.
As I told them I want to experience living a normal life with my wife even if I'm a Queen and I'm still gonna do that job. I'm happy that they understand me.

Throughout our stay in the palace Yeji fully remembers our childhood memories as we re-do some of it, she even punches me in the face when we re-do our first meet and she said it's necessary as for her to remember it fast.

I'm just glad I didn't get a black eye cause damn she punched hard and necessary my face. I know she just wants to punch me without reason as that's what she have been doing for our 2 weeks stay in the palace.

After our wedding we did our honeymoon and when morning came I woke up facing the floor, why? Because she kicked me out of the bed, I asked her why, do you know what she said? "You stink" she said scrunching her face, like dude she even licked me while doing our honeymoon and she loves smelling me every time even if I'm sweaty.

One time I teased her and god I wished I didn't, I got a black eye because she punched me so hard that I passed out again.
When I woke up I saw her crying beside me and I got worried, I asked her why is she was crying she said "You're ugly now, you have a black eye" she said crying like a baby and I face palm myself.

There's also a time she got clingier to me like she don't want me out of her sight even going to the bathroom or when the natures calling she still wants to go with so I need to talk to her like she's a baby, well technically she's my baby.

"Hon, I need to go to the bathroom, I'll come back okay" I said sweetly, she looked at me with teary eyes her lips pouting.
"But hon I want to be with you" she said like a kid "OK, how about I do my business and you'll wait to me outside, here you hold the end of this and I'll hold the other end, so that we're still connected, okay?" I said said giving her the yarn.

Yeddeong, please accept it, I need to take a piss and thank god she obliged. I don't really know what's happening to her.
Well in those days passed too, Yeji being weird is not the only one I received for the 2 weeks because there are some people who's giving me threats that I need to be ready. They will take me as they already know who I am and to be honest I'm scared.

When we got back in Seoul but I know those threats are not yet done also saying good-bye to my family in Busan is emotional especially my wife who's now more moody she cried hard as she will missed my family, I jokingly said to her that she can stay in the palace and I will go to Seoul to go back to work.

You know what she did? She punched me on the face in front of my parents who got shocked but then laughed at me while my wife just glared at me then said "Don't you dare" with a scary voice.

Now it's been months we are married and we are back to our works even though Yeji's mood is unbalanced, yeah cause one time she's happy, then later on became sad and then get angry without any reason

Also she likes to eat any type of combination of foods like seriously who would have eaten a mango paired with peanut butter like it's gross dude, i asked her if it does taste good she said it's yummy I didn't believe her so she made me eat it when I refused she got teary since I don't want to see her cry because of that I ate it with a not so good expression but she's happy and it's been months but I coped up with it already cause now thinking of it I guess I have an idea why she's like that.

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