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I'm here in the flower shop planning to buy Ryujin and I's favorite flowers which are combined together. I was busy choosing the flowers when "Mommy, mommy will Dada like this?" Luke said while showing me the same flowers I've been looking for.

I leveled myself to him and held his face "Yes baby, Dada will love it since it's our favorite and you chose it for her" I said sweetly to our son, yes he is Ryujin and I's son the baby I've been carrying on my tummy 4 years ago now he is 3 , 4 years past since the incident happen and now our son is getting big looking at him makes me remind of Ryujin and that makes me miss her more.

They have the same features from his, eyes, nose and lips but he got his skin tone and hair from me, yes I'm happy hearing the news from the doctor that the baby got my DNA it's just sad Ryujin is not with me that time. But more on I'm happy that we will finally meet our baby.

When Luke came to our life we became more happy and sad at the same time because during my birth to our son she's not there with me but I know in our heart she will always be there for us.

All of them cried seeing Luke on his first day that they even want to hold him altogether so I need to stop them first and make Luke rest first. Ryujin and I named him back when we're still in Paris, I asked her why she wants to name our son Luke.

She said it's the name of guy who's like an older brother to her who helped her before she's a kid when she accidentally hurt herself by falling off a tree.

She broke her arm and the guy helped her and by thanking him he said when she have a baby she will name it after him and god that's so sweet of her and to be honest I felt a little bit jealous just a little that I smacked her on the head but she just laughed at me.

Our son Shin Luke is a perfect combination of us he have the same personality from Ryujin most of it and I think the personality he got from me is being a bitch, yes even he's a guy he is a bitch sometimes but I love this little guy we all do as he is our miracle.

The day Ryujin appeared on TV and when I became unconscious they brought me to the hospital when they saw me bleeding, when we came in the hospital the doctors did their best to save me and my baby and thank goodness both of us are fine but remembering what happened to Ryujin.

I make myself remained calm as I don't want to get our baby's life in danger again. I was only 2 months pregnant at that time so there's a high possibility that it's dangerous.
"Now let's visit Dada, okay baby " I said to our son. The little guy nods his head excitedly then ran to the counter where we'll need to pay for the flowers.

I giggled seeing Luke happy seeing her Dada, I followed him and pay for the flowers.
After that both of us made our way to the car hand in hand.
We settled ourselves in the car and then Luke turned on the radio suddenly and our wedding theme song played making me miss her more.

"This is your wedding song mommy, now I miss Dada more" Luke suddenly said with a bit sadness in his voice, even in his young age he's a smart guy just like Ryujin and as a mom I'm proud of that. Not that I'm not smart, I am smart it's just I'm happier he got Ryujin's intelligence as that girl is something and I love her for that.

I took a glance at our son and smiled at him "I miss her too baby, but don't worry we will visit her, okay" I sweetly said then looked at the road again, Luke hummed then looked at the window amazed by the surroundings.
We reached the place, I got down from the car and made my way to our son from the passenger's seat with his booster seat.

I helped him down and he's the one who's holding the flowers with all smiles. When we reached the building a guard greeted us and open the door for us.
Every people who passed us greeted us happily as they already know who we are.

the princess and the bitch CEO (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now