Chapter 21

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I'm here in the grocery with Ryeong to restock our groceries. When I woke up, I tried to wake up Ryujin to come with me but she's heavily sleeping so instead I call Ryeong since she's free. Well, Jisu tried to stop Ryeong to come with me because she said I will take her girlfriend away from her.

God she's so dramatic, that Ryeong smack her head also I showed her my cutest face bribing her with chicken and she gave in. I won't be long here since I need to cook breakfast for us, I ordered the maid to cook food for them and I'll cook food for my wife and me. I also told the maid I'll be the one to buy groceries.

"Ryeong? " I asked as Ryeong is busy choosing some sweet potato since it's her favorite. I don't know why she's obsessed with sweet potato just like how Jisu obsessed of chicken they really are meant to be.

"Hmm" she hummed and glance at me with sweet potatoes in her hands. "Are the people chasing Ryujin still looking for her?" I asked nervous for her answer. To be honest I'm scared of what will happen to Ryujin because of those people chasing her, I'm scared they might take her away from me, if that will happen, I will be broken.

Ryeong sighed "Yes,, they're still looking for her, they even tortured some innocent people just to ask who she really is. I'm sure Ryujin is sad about that,," she said sadly. "Did she tell you something about her plans to stop those?" I asked biting my lips.

"She didn't tell me anything yet but I'm sure she's already planning something, why did you ask by the way? Did she tell you something?" She asked I know she's also worried for her cousin.
"She cried last night, even if she told me it's nothing, she just loves me, I know it's more than that, I can feel it but she didn't tell me yet, I think she's scared" I said.

She nods her head "Why don't you ask her, maybe she'll tell you what her plan is since you're her wife" she said.
"I'll try... Let's continue this and go home, I still need to cook breakfast for Ryujin since she's still sleeping when I woke up" I said and proceed choosing what to buy.

After buying groceries, Ryeong and I got home. Both of us look at Jisu in disbelief as she's waiting outside her house like she's a kid who got kicked out by her parents.
When she saw us, she runs to us and hugged Ryeong while showering her with kisses. I just laugh at Ryeong's reaction, she's grimacing at Jisu's overacting.

When she turned to me, she held out her hands and ask for her chicken when I gave it to her, she's so happy that she runs inside the house and she also tripped over but she protected her chicken and runs again. Ryeong and I shook our head and laughed at Jisu's childish act.

I got inside the house and one maid is cleaning the kitchen. I asked her if my wife is already awake but she said she's still sleeping since she didn't see Ryujin go out of our room.
That's not her since she doesn't sleep that long. When she noticed that I'm not beside her she will wake up and look for me but now? I guess I need to check her first.

Putting the groceries on the table and ordered the maid to arrange it to where it belongs.
I made my way to our room when I open it I saw Ryujin still sleeping on the bed.
I made my way to her and tried to wake her up "Hon" I said tapping her shoulder.

She just groaned I tried to wake her up again by tapping her cheeks but I felt something.
I put my hand on her forehead "Oh god, Ryujin you're burning" I panicked as I felt her hot forehead this is the reason she's still sleeping, she has a fever.

"Ryuddaeng" I woke her up this time she slowly opens her eyes, it's a little bit red and that's when I noticed her nose is puffy.
"I'll just prepare your breakfast and medicine downstairs, okay? For now, take a rest, I'll be back" I said and kissed her forehead.

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