Chapter 13

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I'm back at being a bitch CEO in front of other people. Now I'm in front of my mirror looking at my self, wearing a blue dress and black heels, I'm already done with my make up just a light make up highlighting my eyes with eye shadow and lips with red lipstick, I just let my straight hair falls down my shoulder.

Ryujin suddenly enters the room, "Hey, wow you're so beautiful.. wow" she says in awe after seeing me. I'm glad she likes it I can already feel the butterflies on my tummy going wild.

"Thank you"

"Welcome" she says then walks beside me offering her arms that makes me chuckle but still accepts her offer.

"I'll be the one to send you in your first day of work again" she says like I'm a kid "I'm not a kid" I pout making her giggle, she shakes her head then drags me with her downstairs.

After our breakfast we then proceed to my car, Ryujin being a gentle woman opens the door to the passenger's seat for me. She then walks over the driver's seat.

During the ride only the song Passenger seat playing from the stereo is occupying the silence around us.

It's one of my favorite song, hearing this is making me hum with the song, Ryujin then sings along looking at the road and glancing back at me.

It is quite surprising that we are not bickering all the time unlike before also it feels surreal that me being a cold bitch to others is starting to melt, I start showing emotions in public and that's because of this pervert princess beside me.

Now that I'm back at work I don't know if I can still remain a cold bitch.

Minutes later we reach the Addractive Corp. Ryujin gets out of the car first then run to my side to open my door, she reaches out her hands for me to take, I give her my thanks as I accept her hand then got out of the car, in response Ryujin smiles.

We are now walking to the front of the building with Ryujin beside me. The guard greets us, I reply with a nod and Ryujin being a polite princess greets the guard back as he opens the door for us.

As we get inside the building all eyes on us. I can see the employees are quite scared of me or maybe fascinated because of Ryujin, they all have mix emotions which I don't care.

A girl in the corner is ogling at Ryujin.
I glance at Ryujin and glad that she doesn't care about the girls ogling at her. Such a good girl.

Cause if she tries to give them a sign of flirting I'm gonna fucking punch her. We ride the elevator and it's just the two of us now, when the door closes Ryujin suddenly grabs my shoulder pushing me back at the wall.

Before I could say anything, she immediately presses her lips on mine kissing me hard that makes me let out a soft moan as I encircle my arms around her nape. She's sucking and biting my lips that I can already feel it getting swollen after some time she pull out from the kiss.

"I really want to taste those lips of yours in front of those pervert guys looking at you like you're a piece of meat" she says in a serious voice and damn that sounds hot.

"Remember I'm the only one who have the right to look at you like that because I'm your pervert princess and you're mine" she whispers, her breath tickling my ears.

It's giving me chills, now I can feel the surroundings getting hot suddenly. I stare at her eyes with mouth slightly open. The beating of my heart is getting wild and gosh it's so sexy hearing her owning me.

She looks at me, wiping the smudge lipstick on my lips, "That's much better, natural" she says then back away.

The elevator suddenly open indicating that someone will ride in. Clearing my throat, I stand beside Ryujin at the back, 3 employees enter the elevator, and they were slightly taken aback seeing me inside then without delay they greet me. I respond with a nod as I keep my posture, Ryujin's kiss always leaving me weak.

the princess and the bitch CEO (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now