Chapter 15

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Yesterday was eventful, I finally got to ask Yeji to be mine and we did a mini celebration with Jisu and Ryeong which I seem to notice they are getting much closer than before other than that they are getting clingy. Either way I'm happy for them much more if they're finally together.

I'm currently laying in the couch inside our room staring at the ceiling while Yeji is in the bathroom preparing herself for the day.

Minutes later she shows up, until now I still can't believe that she's finally mine and God she is so beautiful despite her wearing casual clothes.

She's wearing a white shirt inside paired with a black blazer on top, black skinny jeans, and red heels on her feet. With those casual clothes she look stunning as ever while me on the other hand is looking like an idiot still on my disheveled pajamas.

"Hey hon, you okay? " she asks in concern upon noticing me staring at her blankly.

"I just can't believe that you're finally mine" I say which I receive a smile from her, she leans forward giving me a peck on the lips and caress my disheveled hair.

"Well you need to get use in believing it"

"I also need a job" I unconsciously say making her brows furrow.

"Why? You're already a princess it's already a job and a big responsibility of course" she states the fact.

"Well yeah but I need a job while staying here, I still need to save some money for future purposes and also I don't want to be a burden to you" I say and look down the sheets on my lap.

Yeji holds my chin up letting me look at her face, she suddenly straddles my lap and my hands automatically wrap around her hips a little shock by her bold move.

"Hey, you are not a burden to me Ryuddaeng, I love you okay, don't think that you're a burden cause you're not" she says, caressing my face.

"If you need a job I can lend you one, no need to look for other job" she adds making me excited hearing that.



"What is it? "

"All you need to do is love me" she says chuckling and just like that my reaction turns into a frown.

"Yah Yeddeong, of course I will love you that's already what I tend to do since I was born but Yeddeong I need a job to earn some money for our future, no matter who I am" I explains letting out a groan.

"Of course Hon, I'm just kidding.. How about... you'll be my Secretary since I still haven't found one" she says, chuckling at me.

That got me all excited as I clap my hands like a child excited for something, "Secretary? hmm... well I guess that's okay, so I can be with you all the time"

She cups my face then pamper it with kisses "Yes, you big baby.. So I can also look after you if someone will ever try to flirt with you, Ha! If they try they'll taste my bitchiness" she states while pinching my nose a little making me wince, her threats are really...

"So don't you ever try to flirt with someone.. Understand? Or else you'll greet this. " she threatens, showing me her small fist though it maybe small but the strength she has in it..gosh. Just hearing her threats is giving me goosebumps, it's like all the hair on my body are standing.

"Now get up there and prepare yourself we'll go after breakfast" she stands up from straddling me then tugs me up on my feet and pushes me to the bathroom's direction.

After doing my morning routine I change my clothes to denim jeans, white hoodie paired with a black blazer and white sneakers.

I did a final check on myself in the mirror before I head down the stairs then I see Yeji already in the kitchen preparing breakfast since it's still 6 in the morning.

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