Chapter 24

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On my way to the grocery store I can feel someone's following me but I just ignored it as I was happy thinking of the news that we're finally having a baby, gosh it feels so unreal, it's feels like yesterday Yeji being a bitch to me and then now she's my wife and we're having a baby, wow.

I'm here in the grocery buying ingredients for our dinner, I want to cook dinner for us as our mini celebration for the coming mini Shin even though Yeji said we're not yet sure I know the baby is already there. I can still feel someone keeping an eye on me but again I just ignored it maybe it's just a fan? Do I have a fans? Ehe I don't know.

I'm happily choosing the ingredients and my smile is always on my face that the people find me weird but since they knew who I am they just greeted me and I greeted them back happily. I'm just glad that even though the people already know who I am they didn't treat me like a person they can't reach as I don't want it to be like that.

I got out the store carrying what I bought with a smile on my face when suddenly my phone ting.
I stopped for a while and looked at the message my smile suddenly gone when I read the message.

From: Unknown

It's time.

It simply said and that's when I noticed the person following me is already close when I turn around someone put something on my mouth and nose that caused me to smell a strong scent that caused my head to feel dizzy then everything went black. I didn't even see who it is and now I'm scared, scared that I might not fulfill my promise to Yeji.


The brunette, Ryeong and Jisu along with Ryujin and Yeji's family and their friends are now worried and already searching for the blonde.
When their friends and families heard about the news about the brunette being pregnant they're so happy but when they received the second message all their happiness turned to sadness as they heard Ryujin got kidnapped by the people who's chasing after her.

When the brunette woke up she immediately bolt from the bed and made her way to the living room where their friends and family are.
"Is Ryujin here now?" She asked with hopeful look.

They looked at her with sad eyes, Mrs. Hwang got up from her seat and walked to her daughter's direction she hugged her tight "Mom is Ryujin here now? They didn't take her right? Mom?" She asked like a kid asking for something, her mom, their friends and families cried hearing the brunette.

"Shhh, it's okay sweetie, she will be back, it's okay, you need to calm down it's bad for your baby" her mom calmed her down while still hugging her, hearing this the brunette took a deep breath to calmed herself down.

All of them took their seat "My men and even the government are now searching for those people who took the Princess" the King said and all of them nod their head except the brunette who's still quiet while hugging her mother. "Congratulations on you and my princess's baby, I'm sure she'll be happy about that" the King said to break the sad atmosphere.

The brunette nod her head then said a small thank you. All of them waited for the news about the blonde all night, the brunette tried to stay up all night just to wait for the blonde but her mother told her to take a rest for the baby's health and the brunette obliged.

She had a sleepless night as she woke up every hour to look for the blonde but then go back to sleep and she thinks of their baby's health. She prayed to god for the blonde to be safe and come back to them, to her as what the blonde promised.

3 days passed the blonde still nowhere to be found they kept the news from the public as they don't want them to get panicked and think of it as a terrorist attack it may cause too much problem.

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