Chapter 16

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Last night was one of the best night of my life, I'm so happy I spend it with Yeji I'm really thankful that God brought me to her, my happiness, my love.
I want to be with her forever and happy with the people we love beside us.

We're currently in front of the building waiting for the bus. Today we'll have a team building or business matters something like getting to know each other's team for a great business and we're going to one of the Hwang's family's rest house on a beach. Yes we're going to the beach.

Yeji, me, some of our team and her new investor which is Beomgyu with his team are also going and guess what Jisu and Ryeong also wants to come, saying it's unfair for us to get all the enjoyment while they get to stay at the house, so now we're here all with our casual clothes.

Guess what? Yeonjun is also coming since Beomgyu invited him as a peace offering of him accidentally bumping Yeonjun. Krystal is also here also know as Miss Jung she's not just a receptionist but also part of Yeji's team.

Most of us are quiet since it's a bit awkward except Jisu and Ryeong they are the only one who's talking and laughing.

"Yah chipmunk are you and Jisu together? " I directly ask causing both of them to stop their conversation and look at me, all of them even Yeji who's clinging on my arms holding the flowers I bought earlier for her.

I notice Ryeong's cheeks coats with a blush while looking down, Jisu just look at me with a wide smile more like she's grinning and it looks creepy.

"Yah stop smiling like that it looks creepy" I say, She dramatically gasps as she narrows her eyes at me.

"Yah! you monkey if you're not my sisters fiancé and my girl's cousin I'm gonna kick your ass for saying my smile looks creepy and my smile that Ryeong, my girl loves" she playfully say.

Yeji and I gasp hearing what she said, while the others are just minding their own business but I know they're secretly listening to us.

"So you two are together and you didn't tell me Chipmunk? You didn't even tell me you already confessed to Jisu and then now you're finally together? Yah you're unfair"

"Actually I'm the one who confessed to her" Jisu shyly say making me let out a loud gasp.

"Wow! I thought it's Ryeong" I murmur but I guess they heard it making them laugh at me.

"Aren't you happy?" Ryeong sadly said "What? Of course not, I'm happy for you my dear cousin. So happy that you're finally together cause just like you all I want is your happiness" I sincerely said.

Now the soft Chaeryeong is showing and it's cute.
She looked at me teary eyed then reached her hands for a hug.
Yeji let go of me and let me hug Ryeong.
"Thank you, monkey" she whispered
"You're welcome, chipmunk"I whispered back.

We pull away from the hug when we heard the bus honk.
We both prepare ourselves and got our things. I'm carrying mine and Yeji's traveling bag, even if it's just a bag it's still big and it also has lot of our things since we will be staying in the beach house for 3 days, 2 nights and after this team building is our wedding day and I can't wait for Yeji to be my Mrs. Shin. Yeji already prepared our activities for both teams to improve our teamwork.

All of us settled on our seats.
Yeji, me, Jisu, and Ryeong are at the back. They said it's more comfortable and they're right even if it's my first time to ride it since I've never been experience this.
Beomgyu and Yeonjun are sitting with each other I noticed them glancing at each other.
I secretly hum while looking at them.

Krystal on the other hand is sitting with one of the employees from our team and they seem close by the way they look at each other and her savage attitude she showed Yeonjun before is now gone while talking to that girl beside her. Then after minutes the bus started and we hit the road.

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