Chapter 17

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Today is the second day of our team building and I can tell that my team and the other team are now getting closer and I'm happy about that because they will not be awkward when working on our new project which is Beomgyu's idea for our business.

We're already finished with our breakfast and now we are here for our first activity on the second day.
We will play archery and just like yesterday's game of horse racing we will choose a representative for our team.
Just like yesterday Yeonjun is the one will play for Beomgyu's team and Ryujin for my team.

I know she's good at this so no need to worry I'll just support her.
Both are now preparing with their gears on. There are now crowds who's starting to gather to watch the game.

They will hit the target 6 times, first is Yeonjun then Ryujin back to Yeonjun then Ryujin and so on.
Whoever got the highest score will get another 20 points.

The game is now starting and all of us cheered for them especially me I'm cheering for my fiancé, Ryujin.
I scream her name then she glances at me giving me a wink and it always make me feel the butterflies on my tummy.

First turn is Yeonjun and he aims his target right through the 10 point, the crowd cheered at him he glances at them then to me I'm sure of it, there is a glint in his eyes that I can't tell he then glance at Ryujin and give her a smirk.
Ryujin didn't wasn't affected by that she smirk which leaves Yeonjun to grit his teeth.

I pressed my lips to stop laughing I know Yeonjun is pissed right now but I don't care all I care is my Ryujin.
She looks at me and gives me another wink then glances at Yeonjun with a smirk on her lips.
She then aim her arrow to her target, she's so focused and now she looks hot, I heard the crowd scream at her hotness mostly girls.

I want to choke them all, how dare they look at my Ryujin with those lovey dovey eyes, only I can do that to her but I'm glad this pervert didn't mind them she's just focused on her target if she tries to flirt back Ha! I'm gonna target her with what she's holding now.

Once Ryujin let go of the arrow it hit directly to bullseye as expected. The crowd cheered loudly, look at this pervert smiling shyly at them, I was about to shout at her when she turned to me and give another wink and because I'm whipped of her, I smile at her showing my gummy.

The game goes on and became more intense when both hit the 10 points four times and I must admit that annoying ex-crush of mine is good at this game but of course my Ryuddaeng is the best.

It's Yeonjun's last turn so as Ryujin in this last hit, they change the rule and now both are gonna hit their target the same time.
No exchanging turn they'll hit their target the same time so that we'll know who's good at archery.

You can see the seriousness on both of their faces and even though I know Ryujin is good at this I still feel nervous as they have the same score and I think they're having silent battle I'm sure of it as what I observed them.

It feels like time has stopped as both of them released their arrows and hit their target.
The crowd cheered loudly as the arrow finally hit their target.
Ryujin hit the bullseye again just beside her first hit.
It's hard to tell Yeonjun hit the 10 as it looks the arrow hit the line between 9 and 10 when one of the employees took a closer look and shouted Yeonjun hit the 9.

Now we can say Ryujin won the game meaning my team gained another 20 points total of 40. As I watch Ryujin approach Yeonjun and still congratulate him it made me fall for her more because even she's the one who won the game, she's still good enough to congratulate her opponent that's why I love her so selfless.

She also thinks of other's feelings and not just herself it makes me so proud of her.
Ryujin started walking to me with a wide smile on her face. The employees even the other people congratulate them, especially her.

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