Chapter 11

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Just like what Jisu said after our breakfast we then prepare ourselves to visit Yeji and Jisu's grandparents and parents.

To be honest I'm nervous meeting her family although we're not in a relationship.. Yet.

Now I'm wearing a simple yellow shirt inside since it's my favorite color with a denim jacket on top and black jeans with my white sneakers same as the other three girls they're also wearing comfy clothes.

Ryeong wearing a brown sweater with black jeans and white sneakers.
Jisu wearing a blue hoodie with denim pants and black sneakers.
While Yeji still look elegant with her white off shoulder dress with black jeans and white heels.

All in different choices in fashion, different auras but almost the same charms man if we are a group I'm sure we will attract many people. My daydream cuts off when Yeji speaks beside me in the backseat.

"You really like yellow don't you? I always noticed you wearing yellow" she asks in curiousness, I look at myself and look back at her, "Yep it's my favorite color" I say happily.

"Noted" she murmurs but I didn't hear it clearly so I just shrug it off, she then smile at me, nodding.

Shrugging my shoulder, I look at the front in which Ryeong is sitting in the passenger seat with Jisu on the driver's seat, since I didn't know where their grandparents are living, Jisu volunteered to drive.

After an hour we finally reach our destination and man even their gate looks fabulous with a big letter H engraved on it.
The guard notices us, opening the gate in the process then Jisu drives in.
I notice their mansion is far from the gate yeah I say mansion because even from afar it's still visible.

On our trip we pass by some aligned trees, also there are some not so small houses that I think the houses in which their workers are staying.

Upon reaching the mansion, a big fountain in front with the water flowing out greets our sights, up close their mansion is big but not as big as our palace I think it's half of it.

The four of us get down the car with the butler opening the car door, "Good morning young mistresses, Good morning to our guests" the butler on his 40's says giving us a bow, we greet back then bow at him in respect as our elder.

"The elder Hwangs, your parents and even your cousins are already here waiting for all of you" he says that makes me surprise hearing their cousins are also here? Now I'm more nervous than before, we're gonna meet some members of the Hwang's. It's like meeting the family of your, I mean my soon to be wife.

"Our cousins are also here? I'm sure they'll just annoy us" Yeji says, rolling her eyes, just before the butler could speak, the door of their mansion opens and 9 good looking people are standing there.

4 girls and the three are glaring at Yeji while the other one was just staring at us and 5 boys at their back who's looking at Yeji like Yeji stole their candy.

Though their faces are like that I can say that they are good looking well guess it's in their genes.

"You're so mean Yeji" the tall girl says and the other 6 nods in agreement.

"Joy, you know I'm right"

"Yah, we're not always that annoying" the small one says, "Still annoying" this time Jisu says it, chuckling. "Even you Jisu? Waahh how could you say that to us, your cousins" the other small girl dramatically says like she's auditioning for a role of a heartbroken girl.

"Tss! shut up Yeri" Yeji says, playfully rolling her eyes at them. Even though the sisters are being mean to their cousins, I know they have a great bond because that's how me, Ryeong and our other best friends act.

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