Chapter 20

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We are now back in Korea and just landed last night even if it's tiring because of jet lag we still join Jisu and Ryeong's mini celebration as Jisu said we finally did it without interruption. God that sloth, I want to smack her dirty head, yeah.

Now early in the morning we're here on the couch watching a movie while cuddling. Grandpa said we have a one week break for our wedding before going back to work. I tried to go out to buy her some flowers but she refused, she said she just want cuddles,
So now we're just staying here.

"Good morning baby" I murmured while caressing Yeji's tummy as if our child is already there. "Ryuddaeng, our baby cannot hear you yet" Yeji said stroking my hands on her tummy.
"But it's already there Yeddeong, so might as well practice talking to our child early" I whispered in her ear.

She turns to face me "Hmm, I'm sure you'll be a good Mom" she said stroking my face "And I'm sure you'll be a good Mommy....but I prefer them calling me Dada" I said tapping her nose.

She giggled then hold my finger "Them?" She asked confused "Yes, them.. We don't want our child to be lonely do we? Without a playmate? No, no this kid needs siblingssss" I said smiling.
"Of course, I don't want it to be lonely,, wait siblingssss as in many s?" She asked.

I nod my head and lean closer our nose are touching "Yes, with many s,, you heard what I said to grandpa right? We'll give them a dozen and now one down eleven to go" I said then kiss her.

She reciprocates by biting my lips asking for passage, I open my mouth and met her tongue inside, I'm on top of her but didn't add to much wait since I don't want to hurt her and our growing baby inside her.

We didn't tell the news to our family as we want to surprise them when it's already confirm.
She pulled out I tried to chase her lips but she just chuckled and stop my mouth with her fingers.

"Okay we'll give them many kids as we can but like I told you before you'll be with me" she asked in an adorable tone "Promise Yeddeong, now let me kiss you" I said then kiss her again this time she let me kiss her.

As we make out, a sudden yell startled us that cause me to stumble down the floor face first that made Yeji worried. "Yow, yow Ryeji stop your hormones for a minute will ya" and yep I know you already know who loves to interrupt us.

I groan and stand up glaring at Jisu and to Ryeong with the boys, yes Yeji's cousin are also here except the girls I think they're busy or what.

"Monkey, I know that look and I understand your still in your honeymoon phase but please god do it in private where no one will see you guys savoring each other and that's later cause now we've got something to do" Jisu said and the boys behind her nod their heads while Ryeong just walk to Yeji and greeted her who's still on the couch stunned at their sudden visit and what Jisu said.

"Oh my god, Jisu you want me to do you?" I asked dumbfounded at what she said from the last part. She looks at me with confusion then open her eyes wide when she realize what I said "What the f-, yah you stupid that's not what I mean,.. God.. you monkey is really a pervert, my sister, how can you come up with that" she said then turn to my wife who's now on her normal state.

When I mean normal, it's being a bitch, yes she's still a bitch "I'm used to that" she said as if it's nothing. "Yeah since you're becoming a pervert too, like how you stare at Ryujin before like that moment when she's watering your plants in the garden damn Yeji. Your face says it all" she suddenly blurted out and all of them chuckled except Yeji and me I'm stopping myself as I don't want her to be a bitch to me.

"Yah I'm not" she yelled but her face betrayed her she's now a blushing mess "And Ryujin I'm sure my chipmunk is better than you" Jisu said and flip her head "Yah" I heard Ryeong yell at Jisu, we just ignored her.

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