Chapter 18

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This is it our wedding day oh my god I'm so nervous finally Yeji will be my wife.
It's just a little bit sad my family is not here I know this is not the right time to tell them since it's still dangerous to be honest I felt scared for Yeji's like now that she'll be part of my life.

What if my enemies will hurt her, take her or worse kill her, I can't, I will die if that happens but Yeji assured me that she will love me and stay with me, my battle will be her battle where ever I go she goes.
And I love her for that, now it's our wedding day, oh god I'm really nervous now.

When we got home last night from our team building Jisu and Ryeong separated us they said we will sleep in different rooms and we need to not see each other before our wedding because they said it will be bad so now I'm here in Jisu's house just beside Yeji's.

I'm staying here in the guest room sitting on the bed, it feels like all my nerves are shaking our weeding will be at 5pm and it's already 3 just one hour away.
I can't stop breathing deeply and sighing, Jisu is not here as she visits her sister first.

I'm alone here and even that can't calm me down.
I close my eyes and pray to god for our successful and happy marriage no matter what obstacles will come I hope we'll pass it all with God's faith.

I open my eyes when I heard the door open, I saw Jisu with Ryeong smiling at me, Ryeong walked to my direction and immediately hug me tight.
I can feel her sobbing and because of that I felt my tears fell and this is because of happiness.

We pulled away from the hug and Ryeong held my face "Yah, monkey you're getting married, huhuhu, I can't believe it, waah I'm so happy for you my cousin, congratulations I hope you take care of Yeji or else we'll kick your ass" Ryeong said while crying.
"I will, waah chipmunk thank you" I said this time more tears are falling from my eyes.

"Yah, you guys stop crying, we need to get you ready Ryujin" Jisu said when I look at her I laughed at her she's also crying.
"Yah, Jisu you're also crying" I teased
"I'm not" she denied wiping her tears.

"Come here" I said and reach for my hands
She looks at me still with tears in her eyes, then she cries harder, walks to our direction and engulfed us with a hug.
Three of us are now crying. After our crying contest. Hehehe.

We pulled away from the hug, Jisu held my hands "Congratulations to the both of you, please take care of my sister, make her happy, protect her and avoid hurting her" Jisu seriously said.
"I promise, I will do it and I will love her more and in our second wedding you two will still be invited and that will held in my palace" I proudly said.
The two of them smiled at me the happiness in our faces are visible.

"How is she? How does she look like? Is she happy? Is she nervous too like me? Is she excited? Is sh-" Ryeong cut me off by covering my mouth with her hands.
"You blabber too much" she said but chuckled after both of them.

I just giggled and scratched my nape.
"She's feeling all of that or more, don't worry " Ryeong assured I then take a deep breath.
"She's so beautiful Ryujin and I bet you'll cry hard when you see her" Jisu said.

I nod my head.
After a little bit comforting Ryeong goes back to Yeji's house to stay with her while Jisu stayed with me.
The makeup artist came and then they got me ready.



Oh my god! Oh my god! It's our wedding day and I'm so nervous, happy or what I can't explain it it's like my nerves are all shaking.
I look at myself in the mirror with my dress and makeup on I'm so beautiful gosh, I'm sure Ryujin will drool.

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