Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks since I met Ryujin. Two weeks since she started living and working with me, two weeks since I started opening my other emotions, well the bitchiness is still there but that's already part of me and I think I can't easily change that.

I'm so used to Ryujin's presence inside the house and yes I feel sad thinking she'll go back to the palace, leaving me. It hurts thinking of that possibility and god, I don't know what to think anymore. I am falling for her, god I'm in love with her. I love her, I'm not sure when did I start falling for her, it's just I fell for her and I don't think I can ever go back up.

When Ryujin told us how she ended up being bind and gagged by an apple, I don't know if I will laugh or pity her because that is so funny to be honest, she was so unlucky that time. Oh well I think we did laugh, yeah we laughed about her being bind accidentally, we can't helped it, Jisu was the first one to laugh followed by Ryeong then me.

I'm glad Ryeong and Ryujin are cousins, I don't need to stress myself being a bitch to those who tries to flirt with her. Especially since she doesn't know about my feelings, yet it is embarrassing and scary at the same time. I'm scared that she doesn't feel the same then it will break my heart.

Seeing Ryujin smiling happily while chatting with Ryeong catching up for the days they lost is a heartwarming scene.

I love seeing Ryujin's smile the most, it just makes her bright and she makes my world bright. Those lips that I didn't know I started craving for a taste until now.


Both of us are in my bed with her on top of me and her lips tasting mine. I can't think straight well I am not straight and Ryujin just made me more gay.

Okay, I can't think straight with her lips on mine all I remember before us exchanging a kiss is when Ryujin was about to walk out of the room after putting the snacks I asked her to bring.

Then I called her name with my hands stretched reaching out for her arms since I had something to tell her but that was it, I didn't notice I used too much force that I pulled her with me and both of us lost our balance by the sudden force which lead her on top of me with our lips pressed together.

It was our first kiss, both of us were shocked, however, neither one of us are trying to pull away. We stayed in that position for a while before Ryujin slowly pulled her lips from mine.

I thought that was all but guess what, Ryujin just made a bold move, she pressed her lips to mine again with her lips were moving, I was shocked frozen at first before I slowly kissed her back, who would not kiss someone like Ryujin?

That is how we ended up kissing until this moment, our kiss is getting passionate as Ryujin's hand starts to crawl from my side up to the side of neck tickling me in the process which also makes me suck a breath from my nose since my mouth is still occupied by Ryujin's.

A moan let out from deep in my throat when I feel Ryujin's hand that was just on my neck earlier is now spread on my back as she makes a rubbing motion that send shivers to my spine.

Then the same hand crawls to my flat stomach making me suck a breath for the second time. Ryujin's touch is making me sensitive paired with her amazing lips on mine makes me dizzy in euphoria.

Our kissed last for minutes before Ryujin pull out to take a breath, we ended up panting while staring at each other, I can see different emotions in her eyes but the desire and something much deeper is the most visible emotion in it. I can say mine is mirroring hers.

"Damn Yeji you make me crazy I can't think straight. If we continue this, I don't think I can stop, if we will, I want our first to be special because a girl like you can only be treated special"

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