Chapter 5

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Princess Ryujin

Yeji is absolutely beautiful as I stare at her, seeing how she's also doing the same my heart can't calm down from beating so hard.

The way her long hair cascade down to her back, her sexy brows, her cat like eyes, her slightly chubby cheeks almost looking like a dumpling, her cute nose, her sexy lips gosh it's undeniably beautiful.

My senses came back when Yeji clears her throat before looking away, "I ordered some food for you, go have some, I know you're hungry" she says pretending to do her work but I know she's embarrassed for the way we stared at each other because of the obvious blush on her cheeks and how she's reading the report upside down.

I'm not sure if I should tell her the papers are upside down because she might throw that pen holder on her desk at me but I guess I need to.

"Ahm, you're reading the papers upside down" I slowly say watching Yeji's reaction, I saw how she didn't say anything as she turns the paper right side up.

She's adorable, I can see it despite her cold demeanor and that bitchy look she still looks adorable. I secretly let out a smile as I proceed to the table in front of the couch with food on it.

"Are you not gonna eat?" I ask before taking the chopsticks, it's rude to eat alone when she's the one who ordered the foods.

"I'm okay, I already ate, it's all yours" she says glancing at me before going back to her paperwork's.

"Okay, thank you, Yeji" I say genuinely, she looks at me then let out a small smile, I was stunned by it, it's the first time I saw her smile and she looks beautiful with it, her gummy smile makes her look more adorable and it just make my heart skip a beat.

"You're welcome" she says as she turns her attention back to her work.

After that I start eating while stealing glances at her. She looks beautiful and cool at the same time while doing her work that I can't help but find myself staring at her only to look away when she looks back pretending that I didn't stare at her.

Yeji is the first person to make me feel confused about my feelings, but I think I'm like what I'm feeling. She didn't just help me, she lets me see a glimpse of the future and I am excited for it especially seeing her in it.

It took me an hour to eat the food Yeji ordered for me, I am really hungry and that is the truth. Bless Yeji for feeding me and helping me.

I didn't disturb her while I finished eating and I decided to take a rest on her couch that I didn't notice I slowly fell asleep.

I awoke two hours later and see Yeji taking her rest on the other side of the couch.

She looks at me when she sees me slowly waking up. "You're awake" she says, arms crossing in front of her and that action makes her melon pop up more. I clear my throat trying to look away from that view, gosh I am slowly turning into a pervert because of this girl.

My attention returns to her when she stared to talk again "You said you'll be my PA or slave in exchange for my help".

I nod confirming what she said "Yes".

"Okay, since you said it, go get me some chocolate milk drink" she says making me look at her, I didn't know she's that kind of a girl with her choice of drinks. I thought she's some black or strong coffee girl but I guess I'm wrong. You can't really judge a book by it's cover.

"What?" She says raising a brow.

"Yes boss" I say standing up from the couch giving her a salute before walking out of her office.

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