Girl's Night

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As you were nearing the end of your shift at the cafe, you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. Since it was slow, you take out your phone to see who's calling.

"Oh, Tabi," you say after checking your phone. "I'm just going to take this call in the back room."

"Take your time, Y/N," Tabi says, taking over the register.

"Hey, Mitsuya," you say, answering your phone.

"Hi, Y/N," Mitsuya says back. "Sorry for calling out of the blue, but I needed to talk to you as soon as possible."

"It's no biggie, what's up? Everything alright?"

"Actually something came up with one of my clients.... I'm actually on my way to Nagoya right now."

"Oh wow, did you want to reschedule movie night then?"

"Actually," Mitsuya starts. "My mom is working an overnight tonight so she won't be home and I won't be home till like 11 PM. I know my sisters are old enough to take care of themselves but... I was wondering if you'd be still willing to go over and stay with them?"

"Oh, of course, Mitsuya. That's no problem, I completely understand."

"Thank you so much, Y/N. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, don't worry about it, alright? I hope that your work goes well... and I should probably get back to work too. But let the girls know that I'll come over the same time we planned and stay till you get back. And if anything just give me a call, alright?"

"Alright, thanks again, Y/N. I'll see you later."

"Okay. Bye, Mitsuya," you say, hanging up the phone and heading back to the front of the cafe.


On your way home, you picked up some take out to bring over to Mitsuya's house. Once you got back to your apartment, you packed a bag with the yarn and needles you got the other day so you can work on your project if you end up waiting awhile for Mitsuya to get back. You also pick out some face sheets and nail polishes to bring too, thinking it would be a fun idea to make it a girls night in. A few minutes later, Mikey comes to meet up with you and to drop you off at Mitsuya's.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks.

"Yep, and I actually got take out.... Mitsuya has work so it's just going to be me and the girls and I'm going to stay with them until Mitsuya gets back home," you tell Mikey as you put on your shoes, him nodding as you tell him the plan. "I also got food for you since I won't be back till late."

"Thanks, Y/N, that's so thoughtful," Mikey says, giving you a kiss once you stand up.

"Also... I know that you're heading to your first therapy session after you drop me off so... I just wanted to say that if you need to talk or anything after, just give me a call," you say, pulling Mikey into a hug.

"I don't know what I did to have you come into my life," Mikey mumbles into your neck.

"Hey, actually I walked into your life," you say, pulling away and giggling. "I'm the one who braved Baji and Sanzu to ask if I could sit with you at the cafe."

"That's... a good point," Mikey says, joining in your laughter.


Knocking at Mitsuya's door, you wait a few minutes before Mana opens the door.

"Hi, Y/N," the young girl says excitedly, letting you into the house.

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