Funny Business

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"What type of restaurant is this anyways?" you ask, taking Kakuchou's hand as he helps you step out of the limo, Ran following behind you along with Sanzu and Rindou.

"I think it's a Thai place," Ran says, buttoning up his suit jacket.

"What is this deal about anyways," you ask, reaching your left arm across your middle to hold Kakuchou's bicep while your right hand held his as he led you into the restaurant.

"It's a drug deal, sweetheart," Sanzu whispers as he leans close to your ear from behind you.

"We'll be letting them continue their business as long as they give us a percentage," Kakuchou explains, rolling his eyes at Sanzu.

"Hello, sirs," a young host says, giving a deep bow once he sees your group. "Mr. Lu has reserved the whole restaurant just for your meeting. Tonight you will be dining in the private section. Please follow me."

When the host straightens up, you can see the sweat glistening off of his forehead. Ran and Rindou lead the way, following the host. You and Kakuchou follow with Sanzu walking close behind you. You glance around the restaurant, observing the dark tables and chairs matching the dark walls, paintings of vivid red decorating the room, accented by the bright spotlights along the ceiling. The host steps aside and bows, allowing your group to step into a large private room. You see a large circular table with many dishes of food already arranged on it. You also notice the many guards around the room, wearing all black as they stand with their hands behind them.

"Mr. Ran, Mr. Rindou," you hear a weaselly voice say. "Welcome, welcome."

"Lu," Ran says curtly. "Do you have everything that was to be arranged?"

"Straight to work, eh? Let's have a meal together first," you hear the man say, and you see him once he takes a step towards the table and gestures to it.

He's a large round man, short stubby fingers pointing to all the food trying to entice the men, but he stops mid sentence once he sees you and Kakuchou.

"M-Mr. Kakuchou," he says. "I wasn't expecting you to join us."

"I thought I'd surprise you," Kakuchou simply says.

"And you've brought us a lovely friend," Lu says, hungry eyes looking over your form. "To share, I hope."

"In your fucking dreams," Sanzu says, snickering as he brushes past Lu and pulls out a chair at the table, gesturing for you to sit down.

You take the seat, Kakuchou sitting down at your right. Before Sanzu can sit down on your left side, Lu takes the seat himself, giving Sanzu his take on an apologetic smile. Sanzu huffs before taking the seat on Lu's other side, Ran and Rindou sitting on the other side of the round table from you. You carefully place your purse by your feet before taking off your coat and placing it on the back of your chair.

"I'm glad I didn't bring any girls for you men," Lu says, and you can feel his eyes on you as you look around the room.

"We didn't tell you to bring girls," Rindou says, his usual bored expression on his face.

"Where is our first payment?" Ran says in an icy tone, resting his chin on his hand.

"R-right here," Lu says, gesturing to one of his men who comes forward with a case, propping it open so that Ran and Rindou could see the contents. "Shall we go over the details of the deal once more?"

"Again?" Sanzu asks, letting out a sigh. "Fine. What do you want to go over?"

"Well, maybe it could be just us men," Lu says, giving you a side eye.

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