Running into His Arms

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"Are you looking for anything in particular?" Rindou asks you as the two of you browse the displays in the jewelry store.

"I don't have something exactly in mind," you tell him. "But I do want to get something with my birth stone."

Rindou hums as he looks over your shoulder to look at the display you're checking out. You ask the store attendant to take the tray out so you can look at one of the items closer. Rindou walks away to look at some of the other displays.

"Ok, I'll take this one," you tell the attendant.

Rindou calls you over to him. You see a beautiful silver bracelet in his hand. It's simple but so delicate.

"Wow, Rin, that's so beautiful," you say as you look at the bracelet in his hand.

Rindou takes your wrist and clasps the bracelet around.

"Huh?" you say, looking at your arm.

"This is for you," Rindou says, his eyes meeting yours.

"Rin, you shouldn't," you say quickly, blushing.

"I want to. And I think it goes well with the necklace Mikey gave you."

All you could do was nod and say thanks since at the same time the store attendant who was helping you walks over with your purchase.

"What a lovely boyfriend you have," they say as they hand you the gift bag.

Before you have a chance to correct them, they turn around, back to their work.

"Ready to go?" Rindou asks you as he takes your hand in his.


"Do you want to go to a club later?" Rindou asks you as you two are stoped in a cafe for a little snack after shopping.

"Mmm, yeah! That would be fun," you reply after a bite of the cake you two are sharing. "And hopefully it goes better than last time."

"Yeah, maybe it could just be the two of us. I feel like that wouldn't draw as much attention."

"That's a good idea.... Just make sure Ran doesn't get upset," you say with a giggle, drawing a smile from Rindou.


You kiss Mikey on the cheek good bye before getting into the limo in front of the Sano LLC building. After you had got ready to go out to the club, you came over to the building to meet up with Rindou. Being early, you hung out with Mikey and Kakuchou who were working in Mikey's office. When Rindou gave you a call, Mikey accompanied you down to the front of the builiding to see you off.

Now sitting in the limo, you're surprised to see that it's not just Rindou inside.

"Hi, doll," Sanzu says to you, giving you a big smile as you sat down.

"What a cute outfit," Ran says, eyeing your figure up and down. "If Rindou gave me more of a heads up I would've got you something."

"Hi, Sanzu," you simply answer.

"Sorry, Y/N," Rindou says, sliding in next to you as the limo door closes. "These too wanted to tag along."

"That's okay. More the merrier I guess?"


"Takeomi and Koko are already here," Sanzu says as your group enters the club.

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