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" I," you ask, a slight despairity crawling its way into your mind. "I mean, how is it possible?"

He sighed,  ot sure how to answer. You hated it when he did this - hid things. He hid so many things from you, it tested your sanity day after day, despite your young age.

"(Y/N), trust me when I tell you, it would be better if you dropped this now. There are just somethings that NEED to be hidden."

"I get that, its just..." You feel the tears form in your eyes as you feel your chest tighten. "I killed someone...because of this secret, one that I dont even know, but apparently I've been keeping all my life!"

"You make it sound as if your 30 years old. Your only 17 (Y/N)! You wouldn't understand why I did this."

You stare at him, the man who raised you, the man who lied to you.

"Try me."

A few moments passed before he began to explain: "I-I never wanted to hurt you. Just know we did this to protect you, your mother and I. We thought it best to treat you as if you were just another child...our child. But, you...aren't...OUR child. Your hers."

"What are you saying?"

You could see the sadness in his eyes growing as he thought of the best way to explain.

"I'm not your real father. I'm just a...friend of your mother. When you were born, your father wasn't around. He didn't even know about you. She thought it would be best to keep it that way considering the risks he takes everyday."

He saw your confusion and anger growing with every passing second.

"I dont..." He sighed and stood, walking towards the large window that sank into the wall beside you.

"Your mother knew he didn't truely love her, and she knew that, if he knew about you, he would stay with her instead of finding the right person for him. So, she sent you to live with me. I didn't like it at first, but then, as I spent more time with you, I began to think of you as my own. I knew you weren't really mine, but I enjoyed the idea. Soon, that idea became my reality as you grew into who you are today. Granted, you still have much of your life ahead of still have experienced more than anyone else your age. The emotions and...forces you've had to suppress all this can destroy you if you aren't careful."

He turned to face you, a tear rolling down his pale cheek.

"You aren't to blame for that girls death. I-"

"Yes I am! I killed her, me! I'm the one who lost control-"

"Of something you didn't even know you needed to control. If anyone is to blame its me for not telling you sooner."

"Telling me what? You still haven't told me what this is!"

"Its nothing...human. You aren't human. Y-You're a..." He didn't finish. He couldn't.

"A what God damnit! Just TELL me!"

"You're like me darling."

You jump at the sound of this strange, menacing man who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Who the hell-"

"Leave her alone," he said, putting himself between you and the unwanted visitor. "You will NOT hurt her."

The man smiled. "Now why would I want to du that? I need her, but you already know that, don't you professor?"

"Dad, what is he talking about?"

He continued to stare at the man as he said "He's..." He stopped, staring at the ground.

"Hm," the man chuckled. "Still as scared as you were when you met her."

He looked at you, his eyes bright red. You could swear you saw fire in them.

"I am the Devil, and you my dear, are my granddaughter.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now