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You had driven about 30 miles before you began to wonder if you were lost. As you continued to ponder this thought, your car made a strange clanking noise. "What the hell?" You tried to steer it to the side of the road, but it wouldn't work, so you let the car glide to a stop.

After it finally stopped and you had gotten it off the road, you noticed a dirt road leading into the woods. "Wait, didn't that cashier lady say that was...shit." You officially broke down outside the Baker Ranch.

You scan the area around you and find you are alone. You open your hood and begin to try and figure out what happened. A few moments later, you hear a noise behind you that causes the hair of the back of your neck to stand. It sounded like footsteps.

Your mind races as you try to figure out what to do. You could simply turn around and see who it was, but what if it was Syrus...or even- No. He was gone. There was no way he could find you. As you consider to assess your options, you hear a click.

Instantly you take out your gun and turn to face them, pointing the barrel directly between their eyes.

Instantly you take out your gun and turn to face them, pointing the barrel directly between their eyes

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Your gun (found on Pinterest)

"Who the hell are you?"

"Now now! Let's not get too jumpy. Sorry if I scared ya. Just tryin' ta see if you need help darlin'."

You bring the gun closer to his face.

"Don't. Call. Me. Darling. Now," you say as you tighten your grip and lace your finger across the trigger. "I'll ask again. Who are you?"


"Lucas Baker?"

He seemed to tense up when you said his name. "Yeah. Thats me."

You think for a moment before lowering your gun.

"Well, that's new."


"Most people round 'ere pull out 'ere guns when they find out who I am."

"Cause you're a Baker? Specifically, the 'bad seed Baker?'"

The side of his mouth rose to form a small, amused smile.

"Well now. Haven't heard that in a while. Thanks fer that."

You shake your head smiling as you turn to your car once more. "No problem."

You stood there for a moment, pretending to look at your engine as you wait to see what he would do.

A moment went by before you heard him walking towards you. You turn your head, giving him a caution look. He just smiled at you.

"You ain't one fer trustin', are ya?"

"What gave it away?"

"Nothin'. Just know....Though," he said as he leaned against the front of your car. "The gun was a pretty dead give-a-way."

You couldn't help but laugh at this. He didn't seem to care that you nearly killed him moments ago. In fact, he seemed more focused on flirting.

You look at him, sigh, then say "Look...if your just going to stand there flirting with me, then I dont need your help."

"Flirting? Shit, I ain't flirting. Just seemed like you were in a bad mood s'all. Just tryin' to cheer ya up."

"Well," you say as you smile at him. "You did."

As soon as you said it, you regretted it. It was the truth, but you didn't want HIM to know that.

He just stared at you for a moment before saying "So. What's the problem with ya car?"

"Well, I'm not sure yet, but i think its the serpentine belt. I dont know how that could be though. I just changed the thing."

He turned to face the engine before looking at you as if asking for permission. You nodded as you stepped back so he could look. After a moment, he pulled out a broken belt.

"Well, guess you was right. 'Cept..." He handed you the belt and pointed to the broken end. It looked as if it had been sliced. "Yep. Was only a matter of time 'fore the thing broke."

"That's impossible. I just bought the fucking thing."

As you continued to try and figure out how this could be, you heard a man's voice in the woods.

"Lucas! Lucas! Where the hell is that boy?"

Lucas sighed before saying "This'll be fun."

He turned to face the man who was now walking towards him, a look of pure anger on his face. "Where the hell have you been? Your ma and I have been lookin' for ya."

"None of your God damn business," Lucas growled.

"What was that boy?"


"What I thought."

The man looked at you as if just realizing you were there.

"Who might you be young lady?"

"I'm (Y/N). I-"

"Her car broke down. Just tryin' to help er."

He looked at you, a pleading look in his eyes.

"Is that so? Well, you been actually helpin' er, or you been talkin', hm?"

You tried to hold in your laugh, but a small giggle escaped before you could silence it. You looked up at the man who had an amused look on his face, then to Lucas who looked like he was about to kill him.

"Well, y'all figure out the problem?"

"Serpentine belt."

"Looks like it was cut," piped Lucas, obviously pissed that the man showed up when he did. You didn't want to admitt it, but you were enjoying talking to him.

"Let me guess, you stopped by Gale's station didn't ya?"


He laughed. "That woman and her son are always tryin' ta keep outsiders, well...out."

"Thats why the Tommy kid was standing next to my car! That crazy fucking bastard," you curse as you throw the belt into the driver-side window. The man seemed surprised by your use of language, but Lucas just smiled again as he stared at you. You were a bit caught off guard by this as you just stared back, seemingly oblivious to the man standing there watching you.

"Well," he said, breaking the moment. "It'll be gettin' dark soon, and there ain't no place round here you can go to. So, why don't you stay with us for the night, just til we can get your car working again."

Lucas stared at his father saying "I don't think-"

"Sure," you said, a bit to quick for your liking. "If its alright with you. I dont want to impose though."

"Ah dont worry. Marguerite loves having visitors. Ain't that right Lucas?"

"Yeah," he said as he continued to stare at you.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now