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The next morning, you got ready, putting on a loose button-up and pair of jeans with boots. As you walked to the house, you noticed Lucas in the yard. You tried to say hello, but he walked off as soon as he saw you. The rest of the day went to same. Any chance you had to talk to him was spoiled as he would just leave in a hurry.

The next day, you find him in the main hall, his back turned to you. You grabbed his arm before saying "Hey...are you okay?"

He seemed nervous again. "Why ya ask?"

"Because you just walked away last night and you avoided me yesterday and today."

"I'm fine."

He tried to walk away. "Lucas," you say as you grabbed his arm again. You looked at him, trying to figure out what to say.

"I don't know, ok?" he said suddenly. "I's-"


"Yes. And's all so-"



"I...It's probably pretty new to you considering the last time I was here know. I've been with...a few people before, but...somehow this is new to me too."

"How? Ya've been with people before, ya just said it ya'self. How is this any different?"

"I don't know. Something's just...fuck. I-I don't know."

He looked at you for a minute before quietly saying "I'm sorry."

You looked up at him, surprised. "Its not your fault. It's no one's really. Just...let's not avoid eachother...if we want to figure this out that is. It won't go to well if we just ignore it."

"Okay," he said before walking away.

He didn't say much, but you had a feeling he never did, and that he understood.

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