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As you walked into the dining room, the sweet smell of coffee and eggs surrounded you. You saw Marguerite in the kitchen talking with Jack while Zoe and Lucas where seated at the table. Lucas was staring at his phone before he noticed you, giving you a mischievous smile. As you sat down, Jack said, "Good mornin'! Hope ya slept well." You shook your head with a smile.

It was silent for a moment, briefly interrupted by a question from Marguerite every now and then. You weren't really paying attention until Zoe asked, "So, now that ya car's fixed up, when ya plannin' on leavin'?"

You didn't want to think about it, but you knew you had to answer. "I should leave tonight. I have a...project, and the deadline's getting close."

"Oh. What's this project about?" Marguerite asked as she set everyone's plates on the table.

"Uh...nothing much." You tried to think. "It's a science thing. I have a friend who works as a Forensic Scientist, and he asked for some help."

"Really," Zoe asked, evidently interested.

"Yeah. I just have to ask someone a few questions and grab some paperwork. Secretary type stuff really."

You couldn't help but notice the smirk on Lucas's face. You had a feeling he wasn't buying your story.

After dodging a few questions, it was silent again. You finished eating, offering to help Marguerite with the dishes, but she refused. So, you headed outside to try and figure out what to do.

You sat there for a moment before you heard footsteps beside you.

"Ya really gonna leave tonight?" Lucas asked as he sat next to you, looking out at the property.

"I don't know...I should."


"But...I don't want to. I kinda like it here."

"That makes one of us."

You turned to face him, watching as he continued to stare forward. "What do you mean? You don't like it here?"

"Its not really that I don't like it in Dulvey...well maybe a little. Its mostly that I don't like being around my family so much. My ma can be so clingy and dad..." He chuckled. "Well, me and him are on another level."

"I know what you mean. My father's the same way. After I moved to New York and met him, he's been so protective."

"Met him? You didn't know him before?"

"No. I was raised by my God father." The memory of him flooded back. You fought to keep your composure. "I spent most of my life thinking he was my dad, so its kind of a touchy subject."

"Right...but you still call him dad?"

"When I talk about him, yeah." You hesitated before saying "He...died. When I was 18."


You could tell he was nervous again. He wasn't the best a emotional stuff. Even a blind person could see that, but for some reason he was opening up to you.

You gave him a quick, half smile before you looked away.

A moment of silence passed before you said "I have to leave soon...I could push it off until the morning, but it'll be cutting it close. Depends on whether or not your folks are okay with me staying another night."

"Like I said, they ain't gonna care. If anything they'll be happy you're stayin'. They've taken a liking to ya."

"Just them?"

He lowered his head, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Maybe not...but that's not important. I dont get a say in whether ya can stay a bit longer or not."

You chuckled. You liked seeing him nervous. Being able to see the side of him everyone told you was gone. Being able to see the human side of him.

You knew he wasn't exactly normal. Afterall, he spends most of his time locked up in a barn doing God knows what...and he lives with his parents and sister. But something about him made you feel normal for once. And you didn't want to let that go.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now