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You had driven to the building, unable to get you mind off of the Bakers. They had shown you a kind hospitality you hadn't seen in years. However, now wasn't the time to be kind.

You assessed the building - size, layout, people, everything. Quickly, you got out of your car and grabbed your sniper rifle from the trunk before heading to the rooftop of the neighboring building.

 Quickly, you got out of your car and grabbed your sniper rifle from the trunk before heading to the rooftop of the neighboring building

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You effortlessly set the scope, getting the target into view. You waited as he finished his meeting and the last person left. You pulled out your phone and dialed the number. His phone rang.


"Mr. Hall?"


"My names Y/N. I'm a friend of a friend. They told me you took something; something they would like back."

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Sure you do. In fact, the item in question is sitting in the top left corner of your bookshelf, located 3 feet to the right of your desk...Nice suit by the way."

You watched as his looked around, his fear growing. "Who are you?"

"I told you. I'm a friend of a friend. Listen, I want you to get your assistant in the room."

He did so.

"Good. Tell her to take it and send it."


"You know where. Do it."

He did so.

"Perfect. Now, lock your door."


"I want you to lock your door."

He did so.

He was breathing faster, sweat dripping down his brow. "I gave it back. Y-You'll leave me be now, right?"

You smirked, feel the anticipation build in your stomach. You laced your finger across the trigger, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Wrong." You pulled the trigger, hearing the echo through the phone. You watched as he slumped against his chair, blood pouring from his skull.

You hung up before dialing her number. When you heard her pick up, you said "Its on route to you now. The fat bastard was scared out of his mind, didn't hesitate to do as he was told."

You could hear her laugh before she said "Good. Bring the files and your pay will be waiting, along with a new contract."

"About that. I...won't be staying."

"What? Why not?"

You thought about what to say. "I like Louisiana, and the house is nice."

"So you really are moving there huh?"

"I'm not 100% sure yet-"

"Doing a trial thing?"

"You could say that, yeah."

She sighed. "Alright. Well, come by and pick up your pay. We'll see what we can do with the contracts."

You hung up, smiling as you walk back to your car.

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