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When you finally got to the Baker house, you saw Zoe outside sitting by her trailer. You wave to her as she opens the gate, greeting you with a quick hug. "What'r you doin' here? Its good ta see ya again though! Daddy and Mama are inside. I'm sure they'd like ta see ya."

You walked inside, noting the faint smell of veggies mixed with meat. As you walked into the kitchen, you notice Marguerite cooking while Jack sat at the table, reading a newspaper. "Hello," you say quickly, standing in the doorway.

"Well look what we have," Jack said, standing up. "Good ta see ya again missy. Whatcha doin' back so soon?"

You let out a nervous laugh as he gives you a hug. "I left something here. Lucas has it actually. Do you know where he is?"

"I think he's upstairs in his old room." Marguerite walked over giving you a hug. This was different, new for you seeing as you never really got hugs or affection often. "Could ya tell him the food'll be ready in about 10?"

"Of course!" you say as you walk off, giving a small smile.

When you finally found the room, the door was open, light pouring into the dim hallway. You stand in the doorway, wondering what to say.

"Do you still have my photo," you ask with a smirk.

Lucas looked up from the mess he was working on on the floor. "Why ya ask?" he said, an equally large smirk on his face.

"Cause I'ma need it back. I think you've had it long enough, don't you?"

He chuckled, pulling to photo out of a small drawer beside his old bed. "Safe and sound."

You grab it from him saying a quick "Thanks." You stuff it in your pocket before glancing at the mess on the floor. "What is that?"


"For," you ask with a laugh.

"Things," he says shoving his hands in his pockets before picking them off the floor. You turn to the piano by the door, gliding your hand across the top. "Its broken. Has been for years." he says.

"Pity. Its been a while since I've seen one of these in good condition." You drift off. "Longer since I've played one."

You stand there silent until you feel him place his hand on your waist, his breath on your cheek. "Why did ya really come back?"

You close your eyes, pondering his words. "I missed this place," you say as you walked away, leaning against a nearby cabinet. "Your parents are too kind, its...different. Nice, but...I don't know, confusing at the same time."

"So you missed the place, not me?" he said with a cocky smile.

"Don't flatter yourself." You pause, looking over at the piano. "But it may lean towards the latter."

He chuckled. "Good to know the truth."

You roll your eyes, looking over at him. As soon as he met your gaze, he shifted his weight, looking down. "You're nervous again."

"No I'm not. What makes ya say that?"

You smile, an evil plan playing out in your head. "You shifted you weight and looked away." You creep towards him. "You're nervous."

You place your hand on his chest, feeling his breathing increase slightly. You trail kisses down his jaw before pulling away. Just a few seconds later, you pull his jacket collar, pulling him into a kiss. He placed his hands on your hips as your hand remains grasping his collar, the other wrapping around his neck.

After a minute, you pull away, whispering in his ear once again. "And now your hard too." You smirk at him before walking to the door. "Oh," you say as you turn around. "And your mom said the food would be done in 10. That was 7 minutes ago, so I would get that taken care of quickly. You walk out, smiling at the effect you had on him, remembering the effect he has on you.

You had a feeling this visit would be fun.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now