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You had gotten the all clear on staying another night. You had begun packing some of your things so you could leave as soon as possible in the morning. You were pushing your deadline too far, and you would probably have to answer for it, but you didn't care. You got to spend a little more time with the Bakers. Something about that family reminded you of what you had always wanted. A proper, loving family.

As you packed your things, you found an old picture of you and your God father. You always kept it with you. You set it in your suitcase before zipping it up and heading to bed.

The next morning, as you said your goodbyes, you were pulled into a hug by Marguerite and then Jack. Zoe settled with a simple handshake. As you walked over to Lucas, the others were headed inside.

After the door had closed behind them, you looked at Lucas. He had his hood up with a blank expression. You walked closer to him and yanked down his hood.

"What the hell!" He chuckled before he looked at you.

"I'll stop by soon."

"You better. I was just startin' ta like it here with you around."

"I'll keep that in mind."

You gave him a quick hug before leaving.

As you drove, you couldn't help but think about him. It was strange. You never had someone stuck in your mind before. As you continued to drive, you heard your phone ring.

You picked it up with a simple "Hello?"


You smiled. "Miss me already?"

Lucas laughed. "You forgot something."


"Yeah. Some picture."

"Shit. It must of fell out of my bag." You thought for a moment. "Hold onto it for me, ok? I'll stop by and get it next time I pass through Dulvey."

"Whats in it for me?"

"Getting to see me again."

He was silent for a moment before he said "Sounds good to me."

You laughed. "Perfect. Tell your folks I said thanks again."

"Will do. See ya (Y/N)."

"Bye Lucas."

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now