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Present Day:

"I don't understand why you're stressing over it."

"You don't understand! This will change everything."

She giggled. "What i don't understand is how someone so brave can be freaking out this much about moving. Its not like you're going to another country...right?"

She paused, staring at you for an answer.

You notice the look in her eyes as you set down the box you were carrying and hug her.

"You are my best friend Sylvia." You look her in the eyes. "I would never leave you here with all of this, alone."

"You've done so much for me (Y/N). I care about you you know...a lot."

You sigh as she brings this up again. "Sylvia...I love you, I do. But as family. I'm sorry-"

"I know," she said with a faint smile. "I just thought it might get you to stay."

You both laugh for a moment before you are interrupted by your phone. "Shit! I forgot i had to meet with Alyssa 10 minutes ago!"

You hurry up and put the final box in your car:

You hurry up and put the final box in your car:

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Lotus Elise 220 Cup (found on Google)

It was a relatively small car, but you didn't have much you were taking. After all, you weren't even 100& sure you were moving yet. You were sure about one thing, you wanted to get away from the mistakes you've made in this town (New York City).

*A week later*

You had looked everywhere on your list: Maryland, Ohio, Colorado, even Florida, but you couldn't find anyplace you liked. Most of the places were full of jerks who hated outsiders. Then again, they were all small towns, but thats what you wanted. You didn't want to live somewhere where you were known, or rather where your past was known. You wanted, no...needed a fresh start.

You had one last place on your list: Dulvey, Louisiana. You had always like Louisiana, not so much the bugs, but the scenery always calmed you.

You were about 10 minutes from the town when you got a call from your boss Alyssa. "'Ello love! How ya doin'?"

You sigh. "Haven't found anything yet, but I'm going to try a few more places before I head back."

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Syrus stopped by asking for you. The man has a serious obsession (Y/N). You should be careful."

"I already am. I dont get what he doesn't understand though! I mean, I told him I didn't want to see him again, and yet here he is. Its total bullshit."

"I couldn't agree more, but I do understand where he's coming from. I mean, you are one of a kind you know."

"Thanks Alyssa, but you and I both know I'm not the kind of girl to be caught up with."

"That was the old you. You've changed. As far as I know, you are no longer
(Y/N), the cold-blooded killer."

"Thanks for that reminder. Still, I have a lot of red that still needs to be removed, and with Rich and I not talking right now, there's nothing I can do until he talks to me. I'm surprised he hasn't just given up on me all together."

"Yeah. I know what you mean."

"I don't even call him dad."

"You have a reason not to though. I mean, he wasn't there when you were growing up. The doc was."

"Professor. He was a professor." The memory of him caused a sharp pain to strike your heart, reminding you of how you betrayed him. "But Rich didn't even know about me, so really I'm doing this for nothing."

"Not necessarily. He needs to understand that you love him, but you need to become more comfortable around him before you go calling him daddy and shit."

"Yeah. I'm glad you at least understand. Hay, listen. I'm almost there so I'll call you later."

"Alright. What should I do about stalker boy?"

"If he comes around again, tell him I don't live there anymore."

"I thought you said you were sure yet?"

"I'm not, but it'll at least get him off your back for a while. Okay?"

"Yeah. Good luck love. I hope you find a place."

"Bullshit. You want me to stay, I know."

"I do, but I also want you to be happy, so...I dont know. I'll talk to you later."

"Yep. Bye."

She had a point. You would be happier away from that place, but you would be leaving so much behind. "Shit, I dont know."

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