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You couldn't help but stare at Lucas as you walked through the woods. Something about him intrigued you - something...different, about him.

A moment went by before he noticed you staring at him. You quickly looked forward, feeling your cheeks become flushed. You could hear him chuckling as he moved closer to you.

"Whatcha starin' at," he whispered in your ear. "Little ol' me?"

You gently push him and say "Dont let your ego get the best of you."

You heard him laugh again, and it sent a warm sensation coursing through your body. You didn't know what he was doing to you, but you liked it.

You had nearly forgotten his father was there until he said "Just a bit further little lady. I'm sure Marguerite will love to meet you."

"Thanks again Mr. Baker. I appreciate it."

"Please, call me Jack."

Jack. So that was his name. You had wondered before, but you were a bit busy with Lucas and the feelings he was giving you. You glanced at him and noticed he was now staring at you. This cycle continued until you reached the front gate.

 This cycle continued until you reached the front gate

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Sorry I couldn't find a night picture 😔

You stared in awe as you took in the size and gradure of their home. Lucas saw the look on your face and said "Its not much, but its what we got."

"Yeah," you chuckled. "Not much my ass."

The place was massive, but you couldn't help but notice how rundown it was. It creeper you out a bit, reminding you of the house in the woods in one of those horror films.

As you walked into the main hall, you hear voices coming from one of the corners of the house.

As you were about to ask who it was, Jack said "That would be Marguerite in the kitchen. I wonder if Zoe's with 'er."

"Great," said Lucas. "You'll get ta meet dipshit."

"Lucas! That is your sister ya talkin' about," Jack yelled.

"No shit Sherlock," he growled under his breath.

You walked over to Lucas and whispered "Don't worry. I say the same shit about my brother" before winking.

He placed his hand on your back as he smiled and led you to the dinning room. "Why don't ya meet the rest of the family," he said, never taking his eyes off you.

"I'd love to," you say, allowing him to move his hand lower. The feeling of his hand running down your back filled your stomach with a strange feeling you couldn't quite describe. All you knew was, you wanted it to last.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now