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Not seconds after you walk into the dinning room, an old woman with long, black hair and caring eyes comes up to you and says "Well hello there! Ain't of'en we have visitors. What might ur name be little missy?"

"Um...(Y/N, Y/L/N). Its nice to meet you Mrs. Baker."

"Well its nice ta meet you too! And, please, call me Marguerite."

"Marguerite," piped Jack. "This young lady's car broke down just outside the house. I was thinkin' she could stay here just 'til we can get it fixed."

"Well that's fine! She can stay in the guest bedroom, but for now, let's enjoy sum suppa."

She looked over at Lucas behind you, her eyes drifting to his hand on your back, before a wide-eyed smile spread across her face. Her eyes darted between you two before she turned to finish what she was doing in the kitchen.

You looked at Lucas as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets, his cheeks red. You smile and set your hand on his arm before walking over to the kitchen to see if you could help Marguerite.

*A few hours later*

After supper, you and Lucas walked out onto the porch in an effort to get away from Lucas's parents and all their questions.

"Sorry 'bout them. Aint never seen them ask so many questions."

"Its alright...Though," you say as you lean against the railing next to him. "I did get a bit nervous when your mom started asking about 'us.'"

He chuckled. "Yeah. Think she's gotten a bit 'head of er self again. She's always tryin' to find me a girlfriend." His cheeks went red again as he said this.

You both knew there was a tense connection between you two, but you were both afraid to act on it.

"You mean you don't have one," you say jokingly. "A strapping man like yourself?"

"No I do not have no girlfriend. Never been to popular with the ladys...or anyone for that matter."

You let out a small laugh. "I know what you mean. I was known as the town freak growing up. I learned to push people away really young, so any relationships I had never lasted...not even with family."

For a moment you just stood there in silence, wondering what Lucas was thinking.

"You know," you say. "I was actually thinking of moving down here. I was headed to the Yuhcann place when I stumbled onto you."

"Really," he said, obviously excited that you mentioned you might be sticking around.

"Wait, don't ya mean I stumbled onta you. Didn't seem like you was 'specting no one when you had that gun on me."

"Listen, I'm really sorry about that. I just-"

"Dont worry about it. I was just tryin'  ta guilt trip ya."

"Well it worked," you said as you punched his arm playfully.

You turned and rested your arms on the railing, looking out at the sky.

"You know, I was never able to see the sky in New York. All you saw was rooftop after rooftop. Pretty soon I just stopped trying to see the moon." You paused for a moment, taking in the sheer beauty of the stars. "I forgot how much I loved the night sky."

You sighed, allowing yourself to get lost in the stars. You eyes drifted over to Lucas who was staring at you, a small, gentle smile growing on his face. You lock eyes for a moment, wondering what he tasted like. You blinked and cussed at yourself for letting those thought wander into your mind as you darted your veiw back to the sky. Apparently he was thinking about the same thing as he slowly turned his head to look at the moon with you.

You stood there for a moment, catching Lucas staring at you every once in a while, when you heard the door behind you open.

"Lucas, your ma's lookin' for ya in the kitchen."

Lucas looked at you one last time before walking into the house, Jack taking his place.

"Ya know, I can tell that my boy likes ya..." He looked at you, a knowing look on his face. "And you like him."

You felt your cheeks go red as the feeling from earlier crept its way back into your stomach.

"I-I guess I do like him, but-"

"I heard you were thinking about movin' down ere."

"I was, but its just a thought, I haven't fully decided yet."

"Well, ur lookin' for a place right?"


"So, I would say its a bit more than 'just a thought.' I ain't tryin' to make you do nothin' you don't want ta, but..." He face turned serious as he turned to face you. "You think you could stick round just a lil' bit longa?"

"I-I don't..."

"I ain't never seen Lucas happy to have a visitor til' you came long. Hell, I ain't seen him happy period. He's always sulkin' round his room or starin' at his phone."

You ponder on his words for a moment, thinking about how you wouldn't mind getting to know the family a little better. This was the closest you felt to normal in a long, long time.

"Okay," you say hesitantly. "But I have to go do something when my car's fixed. Just a small personal matter to take care of."

Jack's smile returned to his face as he turned to walk back in the house. "Thank you."

After awhile, you decided to head to bed, Marguerite showing you to the guest bedroom. As you slumped down onto the bed, you couldn't help but wonder what you got yourself into. And yet, something inside you was happy that you would be spending more time with the family...or, Lucas to be specific.

As you drift off to sleep, you see Lucas's smiling face in your mind.

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