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When you got into town, Jack pulled into a small plaza. It had a small cafè, a few hardware stores, and a clothing outlet.

After Lucas got out, he helped you out before closing the door. You all began walking towards the front of the building when a girl came running up to you, yelling Zoe's name. As soon as Lucas saw her, his face dropped.

She was a skinny blonde girl. She was wearing the shortest pair of shorts you had ever seen, paired with a pink crop top and sweater. She gave off Legally Blonde vibes, making you visibly cringe.

She hugged Zoe, saying hi to Jack before she turn to Lucas and you. She walked over to you, shoving back Lucas saying "Hi! I'm Bethany. You are?"

Her voice was high pitched and had a bit of a Boston accent. "I'm (Y/N)."

She looked at you, a hint of disgust in her eyes making you clench your fists. "Nice to meet you."

You gave her a fake smile before she turned to Zoe again. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming into town?"

"I wasn't going ta until daddy said he was."

"Wel, either way, its nice to see you!"

She kept talking with Zoe as you all started towards the building again, Lucas and you trailing behind them.

As you stepped onto the sidewalk, you heard Beth mention the clothing outlet before dragging Zoe over with her. Zoe laughed before stopping, turning to you. "Come on!"

"I don't know. I'm not really into shopping."

"Bullshit! All girls are. Let's go!"

"Lucas and I can take care of the car parts, you go have fun with them."

You sighed before you started walking with them.

The hardware store was in the same direction as the outlet, so Jack and Lucas walked with you for a moment.

You weren't paying attention until you noticed Beth slowing down so she was walking next to Lucas. She gave him a fake smile before she looked at the oncoming car. You tensed up, fearing you new what she was thinking.

Before you could do anything, she ran towards Zoe, pushing Lucas into the road as she did. He quickly moved out of the way as the car came inches away from him.

You ran up to him asking "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Stupid bitch," he said under his breath.

Beth stopped and looked at you before saying "You should watch where your going Lucas. You could have gotten hurt!" She smiled and skipped into the store with Zoe.

You saw Lucas tense up, pure anger in his eyes. You touched his arm, calming him down a bit before you reluctantly followed the girls inside.

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