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When you and Lucas got back to the house, Marguerite was waiting for you in the kitchen. She looked at you, then to Lucas. You could tell she wanted to say something, but you were glad she was staying quiet. It was already uncomfortable as is.

After breakfast, you follow Jack to the garage. As you two begin working on your car, he asks "Ya like it here?"


"I said, do ya like it here?"

"Um...I guess, yeah."

"Ya guess?"

"Well, I-I mean...I've only been here for a day."

"Hm. Ya don't trust easy."

"No...I don't." You look down at your feet.

"Why? If ya don't mind me askin'."

You continue to stare at your feet for a moment before saying "Life...choices I've made. Ive...learned not to trust people."

"Ya seemed to trust us."

"Yeah, but that's because, not only are you helping me, but..."


"I don't know. I just...feel like I can. Probably sounds crazy..."

"Not at all. I understand ya perfectly. Same way I felt when I met Marguerite. Same way I think ya feel 'round ma boy."

You look up. "I-"

"I know ya need time to fully trust us, but I think ya'd like it here. I mean, the bugs are a bit much, but other than that-"

"Its not bad."

"Exactly. Lucas wants ya ta stay too. Just won't admitt it."

You chuckle as you think about the kiss you shared. The feeling it gave you; how you felt safe...calm. Like there was no one else, just you and him. You felt like he was yours, and yours alone.

*That Night*

You had finished fixing your car with Jack. You were laying in bed, thinking about what you would do next. You knew you needed to take care of your "chore" soon, but you didn't want to leave. I'm not leaving leaving. I'm just going on a trip...somewhere Lucas isn't. You didn't know why the idea of being away from Lucas hurt you so much, but you did know you hated it.

As you continue to think, you hear a knock at the door. You sit up and walk over, finding Lucas staring at you.



"A little considering how late it is."

"Yeah," he said as he walks in, sitting on a chair in the corner. "I was working on somethin' and lost track a time."

"Must be one hell of a project."

"What makes ya say that?"

You chuckle. "You have cuts on your hands and grease on your face."

He looks at his hands, then back at you.

"Let's just say it's no science fair project."

You laugh, causing him to shift in the chair.

You look at him, a new feeling growing in your stomach as you watch him.

"Lucas Baker, are you nervous?"

He looks at you, his hands clenching in his lap. You watch as his face goes red.

You smile as you creep over to him, sitting on the bed next to him.

You lean close to him, waiting to see what he would do. You watch as he does the exact same. You feel his breath on your face as your glance down at his lips, imagining them kissing you...everywhere.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" he says, a slight mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Nothing," you say as you lean in closer to him until your lips are almost touching. "What are you thinking about?"

He smiled. "Nothin'."

He inched his face closer, closing the gap between you. As your lips move together, you feel his hands sliding down your body until he lifts you up, placing you on his lap.

You move your hands down his chest as he grabs your thighs, pulling you closer to him. You feel his shaft beneath his jeans growing as you begin slowly grinding your hips against him.

He moans against your lips, gripping tighter, sending small sensations of pain through your spine. He moves his hands up your legs, groping at your flesh until you feel his hands beneath your shirt.

You move your hands lower as you begin playing with his belt, teasingly touching him every few seconds. You could feel the tension and heat between your legs growing.

He begin kissing your neck, causing you to moan. "Lucas," you say as he continues kissing down your neck, reaching your chest. "Should...we be doing this?"

"What do ya mean?" He mumbles against you chest, inching closer to your breasts.

"I mean-" You gasp as he presses himself against you. "W-What if we...g-get caught?"

"What if we do?"

This time, he begins grinding his hips beneath you, pressing you against him harder until you can't take it anymore.

You begin unbuckling his belt as he slids your shorts off, throwing them on the floor next to you. You stop, gripping at his hoodie as he begins playing with you, moving his thumb is slow, teasing circles.

You grab his hand, placing his finger in your mouth. A lustful smirk spreads across his face as he takes his belt off.

You continue to suck on his finger as you pull him out, stroking him gently, your fingers running down his shaft, making him moan once more.

Finally, you lift yourself up, gasping as he slides into you. You release his hand as he slides it down your chest. He grips your hips, slowly moving you up and down rhythmically.

You moan as he kisses you again, biting your lip when he pulls away. You let your head fall back as your eyes roll into the back of your head, the pleasure consuming you. You begin moving faster and faster until you feel his arms around your waist, pressing you against his chest as he kisses your breasts.

As your bodies move in sync, all you can think is how perfect this feels...he feels.

You feel yourself coming close. You can tell he is too as his grip around you tightens. He moves his hands to your hips once more, moving you faster.

You rest you foreheads together, gasping as you both climax.

You sit there for a moment, grasping his face as you pull him into a long, passionate kiss, his hands tangling in your hair, pulling slightly.

You pull away, staring into eachother's eyes. As he pulls himself out of you, he lifts you up and sets you on the bed, laying next to you, your head resting on his chest.

You listen to his breathing for a moment before you drift off to sleep.

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