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The drive was excruciating - filled with constant second-guessing and swings between excitement and confusion. You had nearly turned around a few times, but convinced yourself otherwise.

When you finally got into Dulvey after stopping to get your pay, you decided to check on the Yuhcann place. However, when you got there, instead of finding the quaint the home you had seen before, you found a small building covered in graffiti, lined with dirt, and littered with trash. Left behind was a note: "GeT thE fuCk out Of oUr TowN!" "Fucking teenagers," you say as you crumple the note, throwing it in the bin right beside the front door.

You contacted the sellers and waited for them to arrive. When they did, they told you it would take some time to sort it out. "We can't just clean it up. They trespassed and destroyed private property."

"Ok," you said, aggrivated that the police needed to be involved. "I don't care what you have to do, just as long as I'm not gonna find police at my door asking me questions."

"Right. You said you didn't see anything? No one was here when you arrived?"


"So there's no reason they would need to speak with you."

"Whatever you say. So, how long do you think it'll take."

"Hard to say. It could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks."

"Weeks? You're joking, right?"

"Sadly, no. I'm sure you could find a place in town though."

"Yeah." You paused, taking a breathe. "Ok. Thanks for coming out to see and for helping. Contact me when its sorted out, ok?"

"Sure thing. And this won't affect your payment amount."

"Right," you say before walking away, annoyed, but understanding.

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