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You pulled into the gas station, still thinking about what Alyssa said moments ago. "I want you to be happy. Shit...I've never been happy." That was a lie. You knew that, but you didn't want to think about them now, not when you were already upset about Syrus. "What am I going to do about that creep?"

You walked into the gas station, grabbed a water, and then walked to the counter. "Hello," you said as kindly as you could. "You know where the old Yuhcann place is?"

"Yeah," the woman behind the counter said as she glanced up at you for a moment before sighing and turning to face you. "We don't like outsid'rs. You best leave now 'fore word gets 'round that you're here."

"Alright. Well, could you at least tell me how to get the the Yuhcann place, please?"

"Follow the road south f'r about 40 miles. You'll see a road leading off into the woods - it'll be on the right. Go ten more miles and turn left. It'll be right 'ere. Can't miss it."

"Ain't that gon' send 'er past the Baker's ranch," piped a man behind you. "Y'all know those folks 'er crazy."

"You just hush now Tommy and go fill up this woman's car. Go on, get!"


"Who was that," you asked after he left. "And who are the Bakers?"

"That there is my son Tommy. And the Bakers are a family that live outside town. They're pretty quite, and folks 'round 'ere don't see them much, so its only natural they think 'ere crazy."

She stared for a moment before continuing. "But, there is their son, Lucas i think his name was."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh that boy is a bad seed, has been since birth. 'Ere's a rumor going round that he killed a boy when he was younger. Locked 'um in the attic or somethin'. His mother keeps tryin' to get the sheriff to go and arrest the Baker boy, but he never does nothin'. Says he ain't got nothing on 'um, so he can't."

"Well, I'm sure its just a rumor, right?"

"Right. Probably just a grievin' mother."

There was a piercing silence that crept into the store until the woman spoke again.

"Anywho. Tommy's right. You are gonna pass 'ere place, so be careful. We don't like outsiders, but we ain't want to see y'all dead now." She let out a faint, menacing laugh that sent shivers down your spine. You told yourself she was just messing with you as you gathered your things and walked out.

When you got to your car, you found the Tommy kid standing next to it, a smile on his face. "'S a nice car ya got 'ere. Nice engine too."

"Um, thanks."

"You're purty, know that?"

"Thank you...again, but I wouldn't exactly agree with you. I'm not really the lady type."

"'S okay! Still think 'ur purty. Fact i like you."

Something about this man unnerved you. "Listen, I have to go. I'm gonna be late, so...thanks for talking with me, and I hope you have a good day, alright?"

"Right, sorry. S'time I ramble. Have a good day ma'am," he said as he walked away. "Hope you got where ya' need to be on time."

"Yeah," you say under your breathe. "Weirdo."

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