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The next morning, you head downstairs to find Lucas and his sister arguing in the living room. Despite the anger in their voices, they were staying as quiet as humanly possible, trying not to wake anyone.

The arguing continued as you walked through the dinning room and leaned against the doorway.

"I told ya this million times 'fore: stay outta ma fuckin' computer!"

"Why are ya so protective of it? Its fuckin' weird."

Lucas tensed up a bit at this question. "It ain't for you ta know. Its my shit, stay out of it."

"Yeah," she said as he walked away. "Well maybe you shouldn't use the same password for ya phone and computer dummy."

"Bite me dipshit!" Lucas yelled as he walked away.

You had moved from where you were standing, trying not to be seen. You followed Lucas out to the main hall before saying "You know, it is kinda dumb to use the same password."

Lucas turned to face you, but he seemed to get more angry at your words. "Glad to get your input on somethin' that ain't ya business. Why don't ya go easedrop on the old man next."

"Sorry," you said leaning against the wall. "I didn't mean to easedrop. I just walked downstairs and found you two. If it makes you feel better, I walked off after I did, so I didn't hear anything."

"No. Just the one thing I'm pissed about. Why ya up this early anyways? You girls always sleep late."

"You girls?"

"Thats what I said, in'it?"

You scoff and say "Yeah, most girls do sleep late, but some don't."

"And ur one of those 'some' I take it."

"That doesn't matter."

He stepped closer to you. "Actually, I think it does." He seemed to be calming down a bit as you talked. "Ya seemed upset at what I said."

"No. Just surprised."

"And why it that?"

"Other people in the city wouldn't be caught dead saying shit like that." You tilted your head as if you were thinking as you said "They'd probably end up dead in an alley the next day actually."

Lucas continued to stare at you as you locked your gaze with his. There was a dead silence between you two for almost 5 minutes before you heard a door open upstairs.

You glanced upstairs then back at Lucas as you said "Lucas i think som-"

He grabbed your arms and crashed his lips against yours. You were surprised at first, but soon found yourself kissing him back. His hands drifted down to your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. All you could think was Finally.

He pressed you up against the wall, tightening his grip, as you heard someone at the top of the stairs.

Lucas let you go before turning to see his mother peeking her head out of the doorway. He scoffed as he turned to face you once more. He stared at you for a moment before walking outside.

You stood there as Marguerite stepped down the stairs, stopping just before she reached the bottom, a wide-eyed smile spreading across her face.

You looked at her and said "Oh shut up!"

"I didn't say nothin'."

You head outside and look around for Lucas, but you couldn't see him. Then you noticed something moving in the woods.

You followed him until you reached the edge of the bayou. You stood there for a moment, waiting for his reaction.

"You ain't gotta hide ya know."

"I know," you said as you stepped out from under the trees. "I just didn't know if you wanted me to-"

"Dont worry." He looked at you with a smirk on his face. "If I didn't want ya here, you wouldn't of seen me. Over the years, I've leaned how ta hide. Ma family can get pretty fuckin' weird. Feels like I've been hidin' all ma life."

"You're not the only one."

He looked at you, a look of confusion and concern on his face.

You hesitate before you began to explain.

"I was raised in London, but I moved to the US when I was 18...I say moved, but...I was really taken here."


"I guess thats what you could call it...I was kicked out of my school, walking down the road, when I hitched a ride with the wrong people. Before I knew it, I was in New York. They took me to this old factory where I met...Ivan." You could hear you voice shake as you said his name.

"He told me he had plans for me. Said I would help him get what he wanted. What 'we' wanted...I was there for 3 years. 3 years of fucking hell. One day, I couldn't take it anymore. So, I left."

"Just like that?"

You chuckled. "No...I took something with me. To remind me of what I had learned in that time. And to remind me of what I am...I've been hiding from him since; constantly moving from one place to another. I have places all over. New York, rat-hole Chicago, Florida, even Washington and DC. I skip from one place to another every month. I...wanted to move here cause its the last place he would expect me to be."

"I'm honored to have ma home realized as the shit hole it is."

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah," he said. "I do."

You both just stood there for a while, thinking. About what, you weren't sure.

"So...whatcha take with ya?"


"When ya left."

"Oh...umm, well..."

"Well shit, if its that bad just spit it out."

"I Sigh. I took his eye."

"What the FUCK!" He began laughing histerically.

"Its not that funny you fucking psycho."

His face was red as he said "Yeah. Yeah it is. I can just see ya walkin' outta there with his eye in ya hand. are just-"


"Well, yes. But ya also got balls."

You begin to laugh with him until you lock eyes.

You stepped towards him, grabbing the collar of his hoodie as you pull him into a kiss. This time, he was caught off guard. For a moment he just stood there, fists clenched.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around your waist and slammed you against a tree, pinning you with one hand on your neck now.

He pulled away, looked at you, then began to kiss you again, pushing past your teeth. You felt a small moan escape your lips as your tongues battled for dominance.

You pulled him closer before running your hands down his chest, feeling him shudder as his grip tighten yet again.

He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now