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You were dressed in an oversized T-shirt wandering through the house. You found the attic, but left once you saw the manneqiuns. Finally, you settled down in the living room with a book.

After a while, you heard someone knock on the door. You were concerned considering you weren't dressed appropriately, but once you saw it was Lucas, you figured What the hell. He's seen more anyways.

When you opened the door, he looked you over, before giving you a small smirk. You roll your eyes before letting him in.

Once you got into the living room, you leaned against the table in the corner (just gonna pretend there was one there 😋).

"Ya look nice," he said, a smirk still there.

"What do you want," you ask with a chuckle.

He paused. "I just wanted to ask...why'd ya really decide ta stay?"

"What do you mean?"

"We both know ya didn't just wake up and decide ta buy the place. Something convinced ya, and I doubt it was the scenery."

You look down, nervous, as you clench your jaw. "I don't know."

"I think ya do," he said as he creeps closer.

You look up, biting the inside of your lip. You were silent. You both were. There was a strange tension between you before he spoke up. "Ya mean what ya said?"


"When ya told me why ya came back."


"Just asking." He moved closer, lifting your chin so you were looking at him. He gently kissed you, "I missed ya too," he mumbled into the kiss. He placed his hands on the sides of your face as you gripped his hand, the other on his chest.

He began trailing kisses down your neck, one hand gripping your waist. You close your eyes and ask "Why's it keep ending up like this?"

"Like what?"

"You," you say leaning your head back. "Doing this to me."

He pulls away. "And what am I doing?"

"Things." You bite your lip and pull him into a kiss, this time rough and lustful. He growls before lifting you onto the table.

He moves his hand up your thigh, playing with you through the fabric of your underwear. You glide you hands down his back, digging your nails in.

He groans, continuing for a moment before pulling your underwear down and leaning you back on the table.

You grip the top of the table as he enters you, thrusting fast and hard. Your other hand grips his which is holding your hip, the other on your stomach, holding you in place. You dig your nails into his wrist as he moves faster, his head falling back.

He curses as he feels you tighten around him, releasing moments before him.

You lay there, your eyes shut as you breathing settles. Lucas leans down placing kissing along your neck before saying "Don't think i'ma get used ta that."

You open your eyes, looking up at him. "What do you mean?"

He leans up as you do the same. "Lets just say I'm not the most 'wanted' guy."

"Wait, was that...the other night. Was that your first...?"

"Maybe. You sound surprised."

"You seemed like you knew what you were doing. Like, you seemed fucking skilled."

He laughs. "Thanks, I guess. Just because I hadn't done it before doesn't mean I didn't know how to."

"Obviously," you say as you laugh, leaning your head against the wall beside you. He looks at you, placing his hand on your cheek. He leans in kissing you. However, this kiss felt different. Passionate, caring, and gentle. He pulls away, looking at you for a moment before a concerned look spreads across his face.

"Lucas, whats wrong?"

He looks down, shaking his head as he walks away. "Good night (Y/N)."

You sat there, surprised and, for some reason, hurt.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now