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You had been in the store for about 30 minutes. Everything had ruffles, lace, or was pink. You thought your eyes would burn up when you saw a bright pink sequin dress.

"Why haven't ya gotten anything," Zoe asked.

You looked at her like she was crazy before saying "Its"

She laughed. "Yeah, but there's a few good things."

You looked at the clothes around you and then back at Zoe. "Well," you said. "Good luck with that. I'm going to step outside for a bit."
"Alright. I'll keep an eye out for anything ya might like."

You gave her a smile before you headed outside. You walked into a smoke shop next door, grabbing a pack of cigarettes before walking back to the outlet, leaning against the wall. You sighed as you took a long drag.

"Didn't know ya smoked."

"I don't."


You looked at him. "I only spoke when I'm bored, stressed, or annoyed."

He chuckled. "Well, which one is it now?"

"All of them."

He walked towards you, stopping in front of you.

"Ain't ya having fun?" He said in a mocking tone.

"Hell no. Everything's pink and all...girly."

"Yeah. Zoe didn't use to like that stuff. That was til she met Beth." He hissed her name, lacing it with poison.

"Yeah? She's one crazy bitch isn't she."

"Ya noticed already?"

"How could I not? She nearly killed you and thought nothing of it." You took another long puff as you felt yourself getting angrier by the second.

Lucas noticed as he stepped closer, chaning the subject. "The old man kicked me out the store. Said I wasn't no help."

"Well, didn't seem like you wanted to go in the first place."

"I didn't, but I didn't have no choice."

You laughed. A few minutes went by as you continued talking. You took one last drag of your cigarette before putting it out against the wall. You turned back to Lucas and noticed he was staring at you.

"What?" you said with a chuckle.

He didn't say anything.

"Lucas? You okay?"

"Fine...just, thinking."



You crossed your arms. "I know it isn't 'nothin.' What is it?"

He stayed quiet, looking to the side.

You started getting worried. You'd hadn't seen him act like this before, and the look on his face was different. He stayed quiet for a bit longer before he looked at you again.

"Ya gonna be leaving soon?"

You were confused. "What makes you say that?"

"Ya said the thing with your house was gonna take a few weeks. Its been a few weeks."

You had completely forgotten about the house. You looked down, thinking for a moment. "I don't know. I need to check on it, but..."


You looked up at him, matching his gaze for a moment. "You don't wanna leave," he said.

You shook your head.

He smiled faintly, sad almost.

"Its not like I'm going back to New York."

"I know. I just...I've gotten used to ya being around."

"I've gotten used to being around." You smiled before looking down again.

You both stayed quiet for a moment before you said, "I'm gonna visit."

"I know," he said as he looked at you. "But your gonna be visiting the family. Ain't gonna be able ta have no fun." He smirked.

You laughed. "Well, we don't have to, hide it."

He looked puzzled.

"You don't think your families caught on to us? I mean, your always staring at me, and I'm always avoiding questions about you. Its kinda obvious."

"Guess your right. But I'm just-"

"Kinda scared?"

"Yeah," he said softly. He seemed ashamed to admit it.

"So am I, but like I said. They already figured it out, so its not like a lot would change."

"I guess." He looked down, nervous.

You walked towards his, wrapping your arm around his. "If you don't want to thats okay. I was just suggesting, thats all."

"No I...I like the idea."

"Then what is it?"

"I don't want people being worse than they already are. I'm not popular. Ya don't want people knowing your spending time with me."

"Isn't that for me to decide?" You put your hand on his cheek. "I quite like spending time around you, and the idea of people knowing that. Your not as bad a person as everyone says you are."

He looked at you. He seemed surprised that you said that. "Ya don't know that. They've been saying this shit about me for years."

"And? I've spent time with you, they haven't. I've seen you be kind. I've seen you help people. They don't know you."


"So," you said as you leaned closer to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you kissed his gently, wrapping one arm around his neck, the other remaining on his cheek.

You pulled away for a moment to catch your breath, before kissing g his once more. However, you were unaware that Beth was watching you through the store window. After she got her jaw off the floor, she helped Zoe finish grabbing her stuff before checking out.

By the time they got out of the store, Jack was already done, headed towards you.

Zoe was talking with Beth giggling, but she was staring at you. You met her gaze, giving her a menacing smile.

"Y'all have fun?"

"Yep," Beth and Zoe said. You and Lucas shook your heads before you all headed back to the car. You had to walk down the sidewalk for a bit before you could cross. As you did, Beth was walking in front of you, by the road. You were behind her with Lucas when you heard the oncoming car. You smiled as an idea popped into your head. As the car got closed, you looked around before waving you hand, knocking the bags out of Beth's hands. However, they were wrapped around her arm, so they sent her into the road with them. She stepped back, just being missed. Jack and Zoe were talking, so they didn't notice, but Lucas was staring at you.

You walked past her as you said "You should watch where your going." You turned to face her. "You could get hurt."

She looked terrified as she scurried away, picking up her bags before telling Zoe a quick goodbye and leaving in a hurry.

You chuckled as you watched her leave.

Lucas Baker X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now