Geoff x Gender Neutral!Reader

313 4 4

For Dighenheart
Potential trigger warning, for eating disorder(s). Reader Discretion Advised.

Y/N = Your Name
h/c = Hair Color

Y/N had an eating disorder. They did want to eat, and everytime they did, they felt nauseous. They were staring off into space while their food was cooling off. They left their plate, to go walk around. They were at a convention. Their stomach rumbled. They moved on even though they were hungry. But their hunger didn't go unnoticed by a certain brown haired a capella singer. He approached the h/c person. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, concerned for them. "Yeah, I'm fine," They said. "Do you need some grub?" "No, I tried to eat. I don't really eat as much as I used to," They responded. "I'll get you something small. Just so you have at least something small to eat," He proceeded to grab a couple of granola bars. Y/N smiles taking one of the bars, and taking a small bite. Geoff smiles sitting with them for a while to keep them company.

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