Cuddly!Eli x Gender Neutral!Reader

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I was listening to this 🔝 song while writing this.

For Dighenheart


I was briskly walking through my apartment, looking for Eli. I was scared of a noise. I wanted cuddles. "Eli!" I yell, running up the stairs. I was on the verge of crying. "ELI!" I yell again. I started running through the long hallway to his room. I burst open the door, I see him playing "Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" I gasp for breath. "What's wrong?" He asks putting down his switch. I jump into his arms.


Y/N jumped into my arms. They're crying. I hold them tightly. "It's okay, I've got you Y/N," I whisper to them. They cry softer into my shoulder. I kiss their forehead. I hug them and they grab the back of my shirt. We sat there cuddling for the rest of the day.

Eli eventually started to play a game with Y/N. He never knew what rattled them up so much, but he didn't want to ask. They eventually fell asleep in his arms. Safe and sound.

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