J.None x French!Reader

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Translations from Google, unfortunately I do not know French. But enjoy.

For Dighenheart

J.None POV

Geoff and I were playing one on one basketball. I was down four points. "Bonjour mes amis (Hello my friends)," I hear Y/N say. "Hey Y/N!" Geoff says, standing up straight. "How are you both?" They ask, leaning against the side of the house. "Good, about to kick J's butt in basketball!" "In your dreams, pretty boy!" I yell stealing the ball from him. "Bon travail (good job)!" She yells to me.



"Y/N!" I hear J yell. "Oui (Yes)?" I ask. He jogs than puts his hands on his knees. "Can you teach me French?" He asks, gasping for air. "It will take a while, mais sûr (but sure)," I say motioning him to my office. "So basic phrases, you know hello, yes, and no. Bien mon amour (Right my love)?" I ask. "Oui (Yes)?" He responds. "Êtes-vous confus (Are you confused)?" I ask. "Yeah," he says. "Tout va bien mon amour (Everything is fine my love)," I say, patting his head. "Doesn't mon amour mean my love?" He asks. "It does," I respond.

It took Y/N forever to teach J French. He's fluent in it now. They started dating, the language of love am I right? I bid you adieu (farewell)!

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