Stalker!Layne x Simp! Non-binary!Reader

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I had this song stuck in my head for this one! A little bit of Yandere at the end, sorry.

For Mha_fan048

Layne POV

I was watching over my precious Y/N as they slept. They looked so adorable as they slept. It was almost morning, I went to my room and got some sleep.



"Oh Layne, breakfast!" I yell. He stalked me while I slept and even though I was dating Tony I simped hard for the man. His brown almost black hair that was always styled upwards, his cute little smile, his cute facial hair, his beautiful eyes. It made me swoon. I knew he watched my every move.

Layne POV

Y/N knew I watched their every move. One day I will make them mine. Only mine.

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