Layne x FtM! Reader

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TW: Body dysphoria, homophobia, transphobia, mentions of blood. Homophobic and transphobic slurs. Readers Discretion Advised.

Also a little bit of Tony x Geoff and Eli x Earl.

Y/N = Your Name
N/N = Nickname

As Y/N woke up, he smelt an all to familiar smell of iron, he got up and noticed the puddle of blood on his sheets. He took new clothes and new boxers to his shared bathroom with his boyfriend. He looked at himself in the mirror. "I'm not a man," he cried. He felt a pair of arms around his stomach. "Of course you are baby, you're the manliest man I know," "I thought Geoff was the manly man you knew," Y/N chuckled. "Well he is, but you are also a manly man. And I love every part of you," Layne said as Y/N looked in the mirror to see him smiling. Y/N put his hands over Laynes. "Thank you Layne," "You're welcome my love,"


"Morning lovebirds!" Eli yells. "Morning," Y/N said spot treating his sheets. He heard Earl bounding up the stairs. "Oh no, El what did you do?" Y/N asked. "I forgot to wake him up with morning kisses." Y/N gasps. "ELI HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" "N/N HELP!" Eli yells. "You're on your own," he escapes down the stairs. "Morning N/N!" "Good morning Tony! Sleep well?" He asks. "Best ever," Tony winks. "Geoff you sly dog!" "I'm not a dog, I'm a human being and your brother," Geoff says, patting Y/N on the back. "Yeah, yeah, love you bro." "Sure babe, love you." Tony proceeds to kiss Geoff on the cheek. "All right nerds get dressed!" "Heck yeah, are we going to get breakfast?" Y/N asks his friend. "Yes we are, our favorite spot," Earl says. Y/N grabbed his clothes from his small downstairs closet and put them on. He took off his shirt revealing his top surgery scars. He sighed putting on his VoicePlay shirt and his favorite sweatpants. He grabbed his "Unus Annus" lanyard starting the van. As the men left the house Y/N got in the back of the van, still not allowed to drive. Geoff got in the driver's seat, Eli shotgun, the rest in the back Tony, Earl, Layne, and Y/N.


They all sat down next to their boyfriends. A woman approached them. "Tranny! You don't belong here!" "Hey that's my boyfriend you're talking to!" Layne yelled shielding Y/N. "Faggots!" "All right ma'am, no more from you," the nice waiter said escorting her off the premise. "It's okay Y/N," Layne soothed. Y/N balled into his shoulder occasionally whimpering. "It's okay N/N, breath," Geoff soothed. Y/N inhaled, his rapped breaths slowing down into prolonged breathing, resting into his normal breathing pattern. "Take as much time as you need hun, I'm not going anywhere." Layne soothed, stroking his boyfriend's back. They sat like that until the owner came by to apologize. Y/N, with a smile on his face, never bothered by the patrons of the restaurant, ate happily.

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