Geoff x Male!Reader x Layne

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For Dighenheart

h/t = home town

He was the topic of every day conversation. The percussionists thought the world of him. He was Y/N, a talented singer who grew up in h/t. He moved to Florida later on in life. He was a very handsome man with h/c hair and e/c eyes that sparked when the sun hit them. He was oblivious of both Layne's and Geoff's advances.


Geoff POV

"Hey Y/N how may letters are in the alphabet?" Layne asks. "26, why?" He smiles at us. "No, there are 20," I respond to him. "Since when?" He asks. "Geoff forgot U-R-A-Q-T," "Still missing one," Y/N says. "I'll save the D for later," "Whatever you say Layne," Y/N laughs, walking away.

*post flashback*

That was going to change! "Hey Y/N! Why do you ignore our advances?" "I what?" He responds. "Our flirting," Layne says. "Everytime we talk Layney and I flirt with you and you are oblivious," a dark blush forms on his face. "Y-you've been flirting, with me?" I nod. He ruffles his hair. "You must think I'm a jerk," he says. "No we still love you," Layne smiles. "I love you, both of you,"

This was a cute request! Please give me more, my box is always open!

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