Clingy!Layne x Over-worker! Male!Reader

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A.N: A dom!Layne moment. A hint at rolling in the hay. So yeah.

For Dighenheart

Layne POV

I just rapped up a round of editing of the VoicePlay cover of "Friends on the Other Side". I got up from my black swivel chair and saved my progress. I went and hit the light to change into my pyjamas. I changed and washed out my coffee cup, I got a text as I was walking to the sink.

VP Group Chat

Ellie (Eli): The wife and I just got done with editing night ya'll!

Jeff (Geoff): Us too! Night!

J.None: I am almost done promoting it then off to bed!

Julius (Cesar): Me too J. Night!

You (Layne): Y/N's staying up, again.

Jeff (Geoff): Darn it! Didn't we tell him not to!

You (Layne): We did but he's not listening, I'll talk to him.

"You okay babe?" I ask. Y/N grunts a response. "We should go to bed," I say walking in the room. "I got to get this done," He snaps. "But you've been working all day with no breaks. Come on!" I plead. "Nope," He responded. I gave up, thinking I lost but then I had an idea. "You know... we could, you know," "Do I?" He asks, face still fixed on the screen. "We haven't in a while. If you're good and come to bed..." Y/N sighs, saving his project and standing up. He wraps his arms around my neck. "All right handsome, you promised," I wrap my arms around his torso. "I did, let's go sweetheart,"

That night they got no sleep. Well maybe just a little.

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