Geoff x Pregnant! Female!Reader

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This is just a test chapter, for me to get a little bit better with description.

Geoff POV

As I lay on the plush sky blue bed sheets, I listened to Y/N's labored breathing. Her soft skin glowed under the dim light of the glowing moon. My left hand rested on her round bump. She was to give birth to a son on the eve of the seventeenth of April. We decided on the name William Troy Castellucci. She was going to be such a perfect mother. "babe," she whispered "go back to sleep," "I'm trying my love, but you are absolutely gorgeous in the moonlight," I reply in a hushed tone. "thank you my darling," she shifts over to face me. "Did you feel him kick?" I ask. "just slightly, I just wanted to get closer to you as well," she says. "I love you, my h/c haired queen," "and I you my long haired king,"

Waiting for more requests be like.

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