Geoff x Gender Neutral!Reader

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For sgaflwr

Geoff POV

I walk through the door of my home. "First the car wouldn't start, the bus was late and now it's raining! Could this day get any worse!" I set my bag on the floor and walk to make myself some tea. I find Y/N in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie how was work?" They smiled. "Bad," I murmur to them, I lean my head on their shoulder. They guide me to our room. They sit me down on our bed and sit down next to me. They give me a hug. I fall over onto the bed and lean into their embrace. "Just let it all out, nothing can hurt you now," they wipe a tear from my eye that I didn't even know was there. The flood gates were open and they were here to provide me comfort. "Everything is going to be okay,"

All pain is different, it should be handled as such. Take time for yourself. Pause and reflect. I love you.

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